The evil taxman woke up slowly. He hadn’t slept very well, and he suspected he knew why. His bed was just too convenient for trysts. It was out of the way; therefore the participants were unlikely to be interrupted. It was just the right height. It was sturdy, easily able to hold two bodies. And […]
I have a very good friend. She is comfortable to talk to. We talk about books, people we have known, and things we would like to do someday. She pays attention to the things I have to say, which is very flattering. Even nicer, she shares her feelings with me, which makes me feel privileged, […]
I’ll always remember the day that Alex went away. Our families had rented cabins right next to each other in the mountains of British Columbia. We were the only teenagers staying in the campground and it was natural that we spend time together. We swam in the lake, hiked through the woods and even hitch-hiked […]
After 6 years of working tech support for a Fortune 500 company in the IT Department I got canned. I knew it was coming. I wasted no time moping. I took an interim position at a local bank. That’s right, as a teller. It would tide me over until one of my resumes struck paydirt. […]
Persuasive by nature and devilishly curious, young Liza, convinced her cousin Kellye to have sex with her, one night while they both slept over their grandparent’s house. Liza discovered several of grandfather’s pornographic magazines, underneath the bathroom sink. She managed to sneak a couple them using a large, hardcover children’s book. She transported them unsuspectingly […]
After that adventure vinod had called kanti and asked permission if they can join us for more games. We welcomed the idea and informed the dates which will be convenient to both of us. So, they planned accordingly and visited our town. Vinod and Madhu arrived at our town in afternoon and stayed at kanti`s […]
Not even an appointment. Not a chance my boss would see him. And it was five minutes until lunch time! I couldn’t believe these salesmen, ever hopeful. But he was insistent, so I finally rang the boss. “A George Randolph here to see you.” “Does he have an appointment?” came my boss’s voice. She has […]
I had just stepped out of the shower and was ringing wet when the door bell rang. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist and proceeded to the front door. I opened the door slightly to find out who was there. “Mrs. Hansen,” I mumbled behind the door, “Mom isn’t home yet.” […]
“Beatrice Dalrymple, just what do you think you are you doing to that poor young man?” Eleanor demanded from the doorway. Corky’s prick was still pulsing inside Beatrice’s bottom, having just deposited his tribute therein. Beatrice, for her part, was forestalled from her imminent climax by her mother’s exquisitely ill-timed interruption. Corky fought down the […]
I couldn’t believe that Susan, my wife of two and a half years would really do this to me. Yet here I sat in the back seat of our Olds wearing a short blue satin cocktail dress. The slinky skirt kept riding up my smoothly shaven, nylon-clad thighs to display a provocative glimpse of pretty […]