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category: blowjob

Married 25 year old man searches for an experience to satisfy him



I open a large dark chestnut door and step into a long hallway, not much wider or taller than myself. The door shuts behind me. Large grey stones of varied shapes and sizes cover the walls, floors, and ceiling of the hall. It’s pretty dark, but at the end I can see a group of […]

The Procuress



Dita Robson smiled to herself as the hum of the Provencial motorway gave way to the harsh buzz of the pre-Lyon hardtop. The Mercedes camper, although tatty looking outside, was humming along as sweetly as a nut. And so it should, considering the amount of money she spent on maintaining its mechanics. In her trade […]

Purim Treat



Unbelievably, I had begun seeing “A”, this stunning blond member of our congregation after she came on to me one night at a fund-raiser, drunk on vodka. My band was providing the music and while on a break, she got into my personal space, asking me why I never flirted with her like I did […]

Found in Amber



The watchman pulled the latch with trepidation. One hand gripped the cold pull-lever, the other his gun. The door clicked and creaked heavily open. There was darkness within. He peeked behind him. He would have some time before he had to get back, as he had skipped most of his rounds to get straight here. […]

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