“Come on, baby, just relax. If you didn’t want it, why did you give me such a beautiful smile?” Frank caressed the young passerby’s face. He didn’t want to force her. He didn’t enjoy feeling like an asshole. So he just pretended that his body wasn’t pinning hers to the greasy pavement. He pretended that […]
The Internet “Encounters” ad said: Share Your Milk Thirsty man is looking for a lactating single mom who needs a little help paying bills. 20-year-old Karen certainly did need help with paying bills. And lord knows there was enough milk in her to take care of a man and take care of the baby too. […]
Reckless Driving – adapted from another story… A new mother’s attempt to pump while driving leads to an encounter with police. How many new mothers have been faced with the difficult challenge of wanting to breastfeed, but had a job that just didn’t work in their favor? Susan Thurman faced the same problem, but she […]
“Lift up your skirt and say ‘ah’, Cindy,” said Doctor Dong. Cindy bent over Dr. Dong’s desk and raised her tartan skirt. “Like this, Doctor?” She loved her visits to the doctor’s office. “Perfect. And good, no panties to hide that blond snatch of yours.” He slipped down the zipper of his pants. “Is snatch […]