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category: camping

Summer SexCamp



That night, I lay awake a long time. I thought to myself that I’d done something very wrong. And it was even worse that I’d enjoyed it. And worse still that I’d do it again, if given the opportunity. I knew it should be wrong to want to have sex with your mother. It must […]

Strange Companion



Elena and Marco lay side by side in the late-summer heat, their bodies bare and glistening both from nature’s own humidity and their recent efforts in mutual pleasure. The wind made the lake’s waves ripple and their picnic basket sat empty, the various bits of paper wrap and emptied plates as much a testament to sated hunger as their own …

Outdoor sex on the fishing



“Let me go with you,” she wheedled. “I’ll paddle, and you can troll.” He sighed. “You know I prefer to fish alone.” She knew. She knew how he would go out for hours, leaving her with the children, whole weekends where she would see him for minutes a day. Weekends where, during the winter, he’d […]

Fucking in the camp



The sun had been popping in and out from behind small cotton puff clouds all day, but it was still strong enough to burn as Ben and I discovered when we got back to the camp site. The women, trapped on their fronts with their intimate parts fully exposed, were turning just a slight shade […]

Fucking in the camp 2.



The next morning Ben moved the boat through the reef and we anchored in a small bay. The island was nothing like the last one, it was full of lush tropical growth and had a long sandy beach. It was beautiful. The women were already at work cleaning the boat, and Ben and I ate […]

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