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category: college

Stuff the Stocking



It was Christmas Eve and I was working over the break from college at a Gap in the mall. Earlier that morning, my co-workers and I had had a little X-mas party. Nothing special, eggnog, nuts, and poundcake. After most of the crew had left, it was just me Drew, the new guy, and Chrissy, the Manager Trainee. I was …

Tell me what you want – Anal sex



It had never been a plan, so much as a fantasy he had. John had been dating Sonya for 3 months. He’d taken her virginity after 3 weeks, and they had been active ever since. He enjoyed being with her immensely, enjoyed showing her new things, doing things no one had done to her before. […]

After School Special



I am a graduate student at a large southwestern university. As required by my department, I teach two sections of introductory psychology every semester. These classes attract, as you may suspect, some of the most beautiful wenches on campus. Last semester in particular featured a number of lust inducers that would rival any of those […]

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