category: erotic stories

A Picnic to Remember


This happened about 4 months ago when Deb and I decided to go on a picnic at a local state park about 30 miles from our house. We go on several picnics each year and we always have fun. We usually take along luncheon meats, crackers, cheese, pickles and some sort of drinks. Deb usually […]

My journal 1.


Here I am sitting at this damned terminal… No news in the world worth looking at; more wrecks, crashes and murders. No e-mail worth responding to. I need a job, I shouldn’t postpone it but I will. Another day, that’s all I need, I’ll get my shit togather and go build a few houses, pay […]

Unusual Love


Re: Where’s the wildest, most unusual place you’ve ever made love? On a gravel bar of the Missouri Ozark’s Current River, under an upside-down canoe, during a hail storm, with boat cushions and life jackets as our ‘bed’… The color of the clouds told me it was coming fast and was going to be a […]

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