category: erotic stories

Raped Whipped Mom


Most people have it in their minds that they know exactly what normalcy and perversion are. Normalcy is, of course, what they do, and perversion is what they don’t do. Everybody tends to judge others by standards that are strictly personal. Paula Maxwell, a young mother, certainly discovers that to be true in RAPED WHIPPED […]

Horny Peeping Niece


Psychologists invariably agree that man has certain needs which are an inherent part of his nature. The most commonly mentioned are the physical needs — the needs for food and shelter. The need for sex — the “reproductive drive”, as it is often referred to — is also considered basic to man. We see this […]

Hot Bed Niece


Every society is marked by an adolescent stage. A growing-up period. A time when each young member feels he is infinitely more daring and modern than the adults ruling the establishment he often rebels against. Nowhere is this phenomenon more marked than in an open society such as ours. Many an adult has smiled in […]

Tortured Bride


People sometimes react to life-threatening situations by identifying with their captors. History gives us many examples. Studies of how prisoners felt about their guards in World War II concentration camps, show that many prisoners tried to emulate their captors — because they admired them. The prisoners admired the guard’s strength, but mostly they admired their […]

Roped Mother, Raped Daughter


Who can judge a person’s reactions during stress situations? The prisoner of war who gives into his captors’ demands, the kidnapped heiress who joins forces with her abductors — both must act without past experience to guide them. The end result can be either a very negative or positive experience. In ROPED MOTHER, RAPED DAUGHTER, […]

Chained Coed


It is hard to conceive in this day and age, and especially in our Western society that individual human beings could be treated as mere chattel, and worse. Unfortunately, however, there are examples to be found all around us. Migrant workers have long labored for a mere pittance, and are beaten and thrown out of […]

Ravaged Tied Family


Immoral people capitalizing on the innocence of others to attain their goals — a story as old as man. The Bible, history books, law books — all contain examples. And when the innocent victim is young, the story is so much the sadder… The women in this book are the victims of immoral people. They […]

Buddies Behind Bars


When we hear the word prostitution, most of us think of brightly dressed women being herded into police cars in the middle of the night. But the fact is that there are also many male prostitutes, hustlers, working the streets of most every American city. These men, many of them teenagers, sell their bodies and […]

Sister’s Rape Lesson


Who can judge a person’s reactions during stress situations? The prisoners of war who give in to their captors’ demands, the kidnapped heiress who joins forces with her abductors — both must make decisions in a vacuum, without benefit of familiar people or situations to guide them. The end result can be either a very […]

In A Dungeon Down And Dirty


Who can judge a person’s reactions during stress situations? The prisoner of war who gives in to his captors’ demands, the kidnapped heiress who joins forces with her abductors — both must act without past experience to guide them. The end result can be either a very negative or a positive experience. IN A DUNGEON […]

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