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category: erotic

Alexandra’s sweet cunt



It was like she woke up after a long and dreamy sleep. Dazzled by the bright lights turned on the theater’s stage, Alexandra couldn’t even see the audience in front of her. But she could hear the loud applauses directed to the Magician. He took a bow toward the room and thanked her for her […]

That’s my secret!



Guy’s small house party was going well. It was a small game night among his close friends. Guy’s new girlfriend, Mindy, was serving cheese and crackers while Lillian, Shelly, Fuschia, Maria, Srinivas, Eric, Gamila, Al, Chin, Sue, and Eileen played Trivial Pursuit in the living room. Fran, Ginny, Eric, and Bhavna played cards in the dining room. And Pierre entertained …

Fantasies of My Lover



I unlock the front door, stepping in out of the pouring rain on a grey October morning. Soaked through to my bra and knickers, I take off my jacket and shoes and head upstairs for the shower, discarding my wet clothes. I let the warm water massage me as I wash myself all over, lingering […]

Mature woman and the lawn boy



Carol sat on her couch reading a trashy romance novel. She knew these novels were the literary equivalent to B-movies or soft core porn. But she didn’t care, she liked them. She heard a lawn mower start. James was back. Every Sunday, late in the morning, he was there to mow her lawn. She wondered […]

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