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category: erotic

The cyber wife



As with many of the things Cindi and I try, the phone sex thing was a one-time event (so far, I still have never figured out what she meant by the other “position”). I still love watching her have her online fun at least three times a week. She says it helps her unwind from […]

Grace Summer



A book, perhaps the collected works of Shakespeare, propped open the window. It was after midnight, the moon rising high into the perpetually cloudless night sky, its luminance overpowering most of the stars. A nearly imperceptible breeze ebbed and flowed through the open panes, caressing my skin as I lay on top of the sheets. […]

Maybe we could do it again some day?



Exactly what my husband would like to see. I watched the woman jog by. I was looking out my front window and she caught my eye. I’d seen her jogging by before, usually the same time every day. She was medium height, slender, blond, with big breasts, and she wore short athletic shorts and a […]

Nerds and sex



She caught me at a bad time. With one hand I was cutting and pasting a code fix and with the other, I held a tuna salad sandwich I’d just taken a big bite out of. It wasn’t the best of times to meet a good-looking woman. I heard a rapping, as someone “knocked” on […]

Your fire Madam



“Brrrr,” I shivered as I stacked the last of the wood beside the fireplace. “It’s colder than a witch’s tit out there.” Sam laughed. “If you don’t get me a fire started soon, I’ll show you a witch.” I stacked wood on the grate. “I’m working on it,” I said. “Work faster!” I don’t know […]

The horny maid



When im home alone and the cleaner comes to visit, she teases me like no other. Im a single guy, and she isnt shy to show me just what she wants I’m home alone and my house is a mess. I’m free today and feeling lazy, so I quickly google to find a local cheap […]

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