Lois Baxter lay in bed, the covers drawn up around her waist. Next to her, her husband Bret snored loudly. As was his practice, he wore no pajamas, sleeping in the nude. He had kicked the bedclothes off of him and Lois looked over with a faint smile on her lips.
Bret was lying on his back. His hard muscular …
Sunday morning found the William’s household much more relaxed and content. For Chad and Julie, the sexual tensions surrounding their daughter was now defused, since they both admitted to mentally lusting after their sexy, teenage, daughter. The two shared knowing glances when Samantha came into the kitchen for breakfast wearing only a skimpy t-shirt. When she stood at the counter …
Its been pretty warm here the last few weeks. On a typical Saturday
afternoon, I was trying give my classic 66 Mustang a tune up. I wanted to
get it ready for the shore and even warmer weather. My wife was at work
and I just wanted to putter around the house today. In the driveway was my
older sisters …
It was about five in the morning when I slipped the
handcuffs around my eight-teen-year-old stepdaughter Lisa’s
wrists and cuffed her to her headboard. It wasn’t
necessary, but since just last night she had seen me
cuff her mother in the same way, I couldn’t let the
poor dear feel I didn’t love her just as much, now
could I?…
My sister Kristy was almost 18 when this incident
happened. She was very popular at school and was always
the leader in her group of friends. She was a big
success in class and even the extra curricular things
she did like cheerleader squad leader, and even
president of her class made her reputation even better. I on the other …
Janet Green stood by her kitchen door and smiled out into the warm morning sunshine. She was standing in the shade of the deep back porch but she could already feel the warmth of the day creeping in on her. A tall hedge enclosed the large back yard and several cheerful birds perched there, singing among themselves.From the far …
Jason Johnson knew he was the luckiest fourteen year old boy in the
whole city. And, it started right after he was sixteen. Guys talk. From his friends, Jason had learned about masturbating:
beating off, spanking the monkey, bleeding ole’ one-eye, jerkin’ your
meat, pounding your pud. He loved it and would beat off every chance
he got. He got …
It’s ironic. The things I want the most seem never to go the way I
want. I scheme and plan and try to manipulate people, places and things
to get my way. It rarely works. Nevertheless, I keep trying. I think of it
as adding to the keenness of my anticipation. And it does. I’ve learned not
to take myself …
I’ve fantasized about my parents for as long as I can
remember. I’ve never gotten to live those fantasies
but I have had sex with my brother and sister. My wife
Kirstin and I play around with others – men and women.
She’s fucked my brother many times and loves watching
he and I fuck and suck each other, and …
Often it’s the little things that change your life. Two
lines of an old song, a trace of scent you all but
forgot existed, a face in a crowd looking just like
someone you knew and cared about… It sparks a
thought, encourages a gesture, the little gears get in
motion, the synapses start firing. The change is just
an …