“Mom! I’m home!” I yelled the way I did everyday after school, and usually she was right there to complain about something. My room was always a favorite topic, or how she always did all the work and I didn’t do none of it. Or how tough it was baking cookies all day long and […]
Considering what the Federals had done to her and hers, Bertha
Evans felt that she had kept her feelings about them remarkably
impersonal. Although they had invaded her country, crippled her
brother, killed her fiance, stolen most of her family’s property
with that horrid “Emancipation Proclamation,” and were occupying
Twin Oaks at that very minute, she could express her opinions …
She was breathless. I could smell the intermingled perfumes of Justine
and the girl, underlined with a deeper musk.
Justine leant forward and pressed her lips briefly to mine.
Then turned her head towards the girl.
The girl opened her eyes and they smiled at each other; so close their
noses were almost touching.
“Oh, my,” the girl was breathless. …
It had been a long day of teaching and he was tired and ready for a
beer when he arrived at his house. There was a strange car parked in
front of it as he arrived. As he parked he saw that it was one of his
students, a young woman who had been struggling in his accounting
class. He …
The sun gradually dipped below the horizon, imparting first an inky twilight
upon the landscape and then a humid darkness. Mosquitoes, which were
particularly heavy this season thanks to a wet winter without many frosts,
made their appearance as well, feasting on the legs and arms of the guests.
The temperature dropped from the low nineties to the low eighties …
While everyone else remained passed out from the exertion of the
night, the three Mandingos gathered their gear and saddled four
horses. They had decided to desert with this prize white slut and
really show her what penetration was.While two took care of the gear the third, a giant at nearly seven
feet in height, gathered up the limp …
For the next two days Ryan was on pens and needles. This is worse than
waiting for Christmas, he thought to himself. Still, the presents are well
worth the wait.Ryan had given a lot of thought to what he was going to do. He knew that if
he weren’t careful, the changes he was thinking about for his roommates…
As Bill left the booth, Venus found herself suddenly alone. Amazing how
one can be in the middle of everything, be heard by so many people, and yet
feel so totally isolated from the rest of the world. “Oh well, the show must
go on!” she thought to herself. Glancing at the console, she saw she had a
minute or …
It was a hot day, and hotter still beneath the many layers of
armor Dahala wore. Her polished plate mail armor attracted the sun,
and while it reflected its light it trapped the heat and baked her
within. Under the mail, she wore a tight leather shirt, smooth yet
sticky against her skin. She loved the feel of leather, but …
I could hear the water running. I knew that my father was taking a shower,
and I stood there outside the door, fingering myself, imagining what his hot
cock looked like as he soaped it and stroked it. I wanted so much to just
open the door and walk in and fall on my knees and put his cock in …