I slept late the next morning so I missed the Tiff and Jane Shows.
Martha must have slept late also because I was able to watch her go
through her morning shower. I just wish she would lose the damn towel
so I could watch her tits jiggle while she brushed her teeth and hair.After breakfast I put on …
Elisa released Susan’s hand and moved to
the door. A loud click filled the air as she turned
the deadbolt and locked the door. She also pulled
down the shades, blocking the view from outside.
‘Now we don’t have to worry about
anyone making a late night return.’ Elisa smiled
as she walked back to Susan.
The young girl placed …
I was excited in sharing my wife with another man. We used to do this quite frequently until she got an infection from one of our encounters. Even though it was cleared up immediately with some penicillin, she was hesitant, and reluctant to ever do it again.This decision took a significant amount of joy and thrill out of our …
The days following that Saturday were something of a blur; I know that’s a cliché but stick with me on this. I’m not going to describe each time we made love because it would bore you and, after the first two chapters, you should be well versed in what we look like. However, I will give you a brief rundown …
My dildo was rammed back up my ass to hold in the soup of piss and cum
as the head waiter held my bunches and fucked my mouth as hard as he
could, grunting as his cock forced its way down my throat. I looked into
his eyes and smiled round his prick. ‘you dirty cunt’ was all he said …
This is not exactly about lightning striking in the same place twice, but
it’s close.
In the middle of November of the year after he met Mary Nelson, George
Chitwood went past the Greyhound station after work on Friday. No, you haven’t
been here before, not exactly. He did this a couple of times a month for some
years, especially …
For the next two days Ryan was on pens and needles. This is worse than
waiting for Christmas, he thought to himself. Still, the presents are well
worth the wait.Ryan had given a lot of thought to what he was going to do. He knew that if
he weren’t careful, the changes he was thinking about for his roommates…
I met Kelly, in of all places, an overgrown
churchyard. I had been roped into helping out with a ground-
clearance scheme, to get this neglected churchyard back into
some sort of reasonable condition. There were quite a number
of helpers, including several whom I knew. I noticed this girl in her twenties, attractive,
slim but by no means skinny, …
During the 1960s-70s those of us in the Air Force had
to suffer through some crazy times. We were unlike the
other services most of the time in that “very important
pricks” were always visiting our bases because Air
Force One is really, technically, an Air Force airplane
and is flown by active duty Air Force pilots, who are
assigned …
Barbara and Tom had been swinging for almost 6 months
now. Barb had been with 8 different guys, all white
and all using condoms. After her first child Barbara
could not go on the pill any more due to a medical
condition so Tom got himself fixed. They Both loved
swinging and Tom really got off on watching Barbara
with …