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category: girl

Learning sex lessons with the Ghost Girl



“Here,” she said, pointing to her crotch. I moved slow, not wanting to take my eyes from this topless woman sitting under me. Her breasts were the better part of a c-cup, 38’s she had told me, each nipple covered judiciously by a strip of black vertical ribbon connected to the thigh-high black boots she […]

Tell me what you want – Anal sex



It had never been a plan, so much as a fantasy he had. John had been dating Sonya for 3 months. He’d taken her virginity after 3 weeks, and they had been active ever since. He enjoyed being with her immensely, enjoyed showing her new things, doing things no one had done to her before. […]

Mutant Vibrators at Girl Scout Camp



We had just got done swimming at the lake and were in the camp’s swim locker room. Several of the girls were already in the showers while others like me were still pulling off our swimsuits. I had a green one piece with black strips. As I stripped down I didn’t really care if anyone […]

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