After the great trip out of town Pam was excited to try her luck at the local day bars.. Next day after hubby left for work she got dressed to go out by putting on her sheer blouse without a bra and her elastic waste skirt with her 5″ spiked heels,, On her way out she grabbed a light jacket …
“Please, Mark, we really need to work out tonight,”
pleaded Cindy! Mark looked at the two women and said, “you guys know
the rules, the gym closes at ten sharp! “Just for a little while,” begged Jill?!? Mark, the manager of the Suburban Gym, was about ready
to begin his own workout when these two dingbats showed
up just as …
In the night of 24th October, about 10. 30 p. m., Mr. Lighting and his wife Claire, an English newlywed couple who were visiting Malindi during their honey – moon, were returning to their residence at Mbuyuni House where their host had accommodated them. They came from dinner outside the compound.When they were entering the residence, they were attacked …
Rosalie Somers walked back into the stock room with the large salad container like she had always done for the last four years. It was almost closing time, and she was, like always the closing waitress at Bob’s Diner just off the main highway near Ridgeville, South Carolina.She smiled at the Stephens Brothers, Duane and Nathan, the two men …
Steve called me today to let me know that he had been called out
of town on a business trip and wouldn’t be able to make our
regular Wednesday Night poker game. He was sorry about the
situation but assured me that we could still have the game at his
house since he had the poker table and chips. He …