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category: kinky

No women who said no was ever punished, no women, who said yes, was ever rewarded



Walter owned a hotel, a Grand Hotel. He was actually a minority stockholder, but his business partners were interested in money, not hotels. As long as profits remained adequate. It was his hotel.It was a miracle, Walter had never been busted for sexual harassment. He regularly fucked the majority of his female employees. Perhaps he had escaped because it …

Door to door (M/F, flash)



The Jehovah’s Witnesses of porn. Kenny pushed his straw colored bangs from his eyes and stuck a finger into the collar of his shirt, trying to loosen his tie some. It was a hot July day; too hot really, to be walking around in a suit, but he had to look respectable. After taking a […]

Natalie the hoe



“Shopping always makes me feel good. Prada, Gucci, Manolos, DG, so many expensive brands to choose from, what’s a poor college girl to do? Well one solution would be to work hard and save up as much as I could to buy one special pair of shoes or one bag. But why should I do […]

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