It was Henry David Thoreau, in Walden, who remarked, “The mass of men lead lies of quiet desperation.” This statement appears to be just as true today as it was then. Perhaps it is even more valid today considering the pressures and frequent monotony of today’s world.The majority of today’s men and women live in boring circumstances, and when …
FOREWORDThe seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions.The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all corners, male and female alike. The man, who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage with the girl and …
Retirement often got boring for Max. There was only
so much he could do maintaining his rental properties,
and his old friends on the Street were busy working
most of the time. He needed to either start a new
business or find a distraction. In only a week’s time
Max called Shannon for some distraction. He wondered
about Nina, but …
“Hello?” I answered my celphone after checking the number, making
sure it wasn’t Rodney. I was kind of avoiding him. “Kylie? Hi, it’s Brandon,” a soft male voice said and I felt my
tummy tighten. “From the other night?” “Yeah,” I smiled and looked down as I sat just outside the Student
Union, relaxing between classes on bit of shady …
After June got mad at me I didn’t see her for about two years although I
fanaticized about her a lot. Then one day I answered my phone and who
should be calling but June!! She told me that she had just gotten a new
computer and that she needed some help getting it set up and mastering
the word …
She needed confidence. Everyone said so. Even her mother.
Alone with him she was incredible. Passionate, beautiful, sexual in the
deepest meaning of the word. In public her heart beat a little harder. Her
lips felt dry. The feeling that others were always looking never left her.
And they were.
Tall and gorgeous she attracted the attention of both men …
You walk in the front door and hang up your coat. After closing the
door, you hear the music coming from my bedroom. Oh, god, she’s
playing that song again. You walk down the hallway towards my room,
thinking you’ll talk me into dinner or something. You are tired and just
don’t want to listen to this stuff. As you …
“Man it was good to be finally on the open road and out of the traffic.”
I thought to myself. That bastard Bill! He’s so pussy whipped! Calls
at the last minute to say Shelly wanted to do something this weekend and
he couldn’t go on our trip. Shithead!We had been planning this trip for weeks and he bails …
I knew that there was no way that Kristina’s parents would allow her
to go to the block party with me, and I wouldn’t ask her to sneak
around against her father’s wishes, so I decided to give Becky
Steinman a call. After all, why should I be the only kid there
without a girl to hang out with?“Hi, …
Sales, thought Jeff, is hell. This insight into the universe came to him on the 8:00 night
flight to Chicago, a trip which had forced the cancellation of his
annual Valentine’s Day date with his wife. With their dual careers, it
was hard enough to get time together for a quiet evening, much less a
special occasion. Nancy was lecturing …