“You know I promised to spend the night before the
wedding with my ex-boyfriends darling, well it seems
they can’t make it that night, they can only make it
on my wedding night, I don’t like to let them down,
you wouldn’t mind would you.”“But darling, it’s our wedding night. You know how
I’ve waited faithfully for you for …
Nice kid is Meena. Bloody cheeky mind. The
things she says I’d never take if it weren’t for the
fact she is a cute 19 and very pretty. But nice kid
none the less. I’d luv to fuck her but I’v no illu-
sions that she fancies me. I mean I’m 56 and look it.
Fantasies is a different matter …
Ann and I have been married for over four years and we
continue to have an electrifying relationship. However, we have
had one difference in our sexual thinking. Ann believes in
marital fidelity while I’m an advocate of sexual freedom,
believing that sex between two or more consenting adults is
beautiful regardless of their marital status. I had often
encouraged …
I saw him at the 7-11. I had walked over from
the dorm to take a break from studying. He was about
17 or so. He was wearing shopworn, used, old jeans
that hugged his tight butt and legs. His basket was
clearly visible, hanging loosely in the denim. The
jeans and his work boots had stains in spots, evidence…
I never would have taken the art appreciation class if
my friends hadn’t convinced me that it was a snap. “Hey,
it’s Art in the Dark, man. All you do is watch a bunch
of bogus slides in the dark.” Cool, I thought.I picked a seat in the last row. It was dark, farthest
from the prof and closest …
I was in the small toilet block in the university Art’s Faculty’s upper
story where I had cleaned up, but was still naked under my coat. I was left
flushed by Abby and Jess, horny and panting for more. The office and other
staff had gone for the night and the few academic staff that might use this
block would …
[The set-up: Ben and his friends have rented a beach house on Long
Island for a week. His sister Jessica, whom he had told “should stop
by” surprises him by actually showing up from her home in Philadelphia.
This scene takes place after the first night’s party.]Ben woke up. There was someone else in bed with him. Someone female,…