To Joan,It was good to “meet” you on the Internet. There are not a lot of
opportunities for those of us who enjoy the unique pleasures of MFM threesomes
to talk with others about our lifestyle… particularly others who regularly
share our lifestyle.As you have requested, I am going to attempt to put into writing how I started…
My wife and I were driving through Minnesota. We hadn’t had sex in two
months. This is one of the reason’s I proposed we take a vacation. I
hoped she would feel a bit more randy staying in nice hotels and eating
in nice restaurants. During our first year and a half together, we
fucked at least once a day. …
Night was starting to envelope the French countryside. The spectacular
sunset was gone, and the first stars were starting to peek out. The shadows
lengthened, covering the vineyards that stretched across the hills, and few
and far-between, centuries old stone buildings nestled in those hills. Some
looked abandoned, but as lights winked on here and there, others proved to be…
I’m a 30 year old executive happily married to my wife Kate. She is 27
years old, a brunette with hair just which reaches her shoulders, 5″7
tall, very slim and sexy. Her bra size is C. She’s a pre-school teacher
and we have been married for nearly 6 years. We are very happily married. My boss, who is about …
Not many folks know about fixers. Those that
think they do, usually don’t. They have the wrong
idea. People think fixers kill people, or maybe
break their legs. I don’t want to say we NEVER
get rough, but most of what we do is pretty
routine, and even boring. Say some little starlet is photographed
coming out of some gay …
Elisa released Susan’s hand and moved to
the door. A loud click filled the air as she turned
the deadbolt and locked the door. She also pulled
down the shades, blocking the view from outside.
‘Now we don’t have to worry about
anyone making a late night return.’ Elisa smiled
as she walked back to Susan.
The young girl placed …
I was excited in sharing my wife with another man. We used to do this quite frequently until she got an infection from one of our encounters. Even though it was cleared up immediately with some penicillin, she was hesitant, and reluctant to ever do it again.This decision took a significant amount of joy and thrill out of our …
The days following that Saturday were something of a blur; I know that’s a cliché but stick with me on this. I’m not going to describe each time we made love because it would bore you and, after the first two chapters, you should be well versed in what we look like. However, I will give you a brief rundown …
My dildo was rammed back up my ass to hold in the soup of piss and cum
as the head waiter held my bunches and fucked my mouth as hard as he
could, grunting as his cock forced its way down my throat. I looked into
his eyes and smiled round his prick. ‘you dirty cunt’ was all he said …
This is not exactly about lightning striking in the same place twice, but
it’s close.
In the middle of November of the year after he met Mary Nelson, George
Chitwood went past the Greyhound station after work on Friday. No, you haven’t
been here before, not exactly. He did this a couple of times a month for some
years, especially …