Danni didn’t know whether to be upset or angry about the remark made
by Karl, the oddly eccentric old man who was a regular visitor to the
small library where she worked. She should have been used to his lewd
comments and the uneasy knowledge of how he secretly ogled her as she
went about her duties between the shelves, …
Steve stared intently at the dials on the monitoring board.
Although he knew every inch of the control panel, having been the
projects primary designer, The readouts made no sense. “Terry,
come here once, will you?” he asked.
Terry walked over to the control board. His wife of 15
years, she was also the co-developer on the project. They had…
It was nearly three in the morning when Linda Hawkins woke up, her fingers urgently brushing her hot cunt. Her lush tits rose and fell rapidly with excitement. She pricked up her ears. No sound from the living room, where her nephew slept on the sofa. And complete silence from the bedroom next door, where Linda’s fifteen-year-old niece slept.
The …
“Not fair?” Pris asked, arching her eyebrows in surprise. “Why, you stood in there and watched us bang away!”
“Yes, but that’s not the same,” Max threw in as he tried to rise from under Jackie’s wet body, realizing as he did so that there was no graceful way to disengage oneself from one’s lover.
“That’s right,” Jackie added. “You …
When Linda Collins woke up this sunny Friday morning, she was fit to be fucked.
There was a hot tingle in her lush tits, radiating all the way down to her juicy, silken ass. At twenty, the blonde’s sexy-hot curves were in their prime, and so was her tight, luscious cunt. Slipping on a robe, Linda made coffee and smoked …
I’d watched Cyndi take plenty of showers, but for some reason this one turned me on even more. I knew quite well that the bathroom we shared was easy to peek into. There was a very wide gap between the sliding door and the jamb, and that made it easy for me to spy on Cyndi as she rubbed herself …
Mona sat back on her haunches. “You ready to go out to the barn and learn why you’re so horny when you’re around Beauty?”
Barbi gulped, a tinge of fear gripping her as she ogled the woman’s large fleshy tits. “I’d rather stay here and use my mouth on you.”
“There’ll be plenty of time for you to enjoy my …
We met at the marina where Frank and Kris keep their boat. We were going to
Bluff’s Island to a marina there for a weekend without the kids. We got the
boat underway after making sure all our gear was loaded on board. We figured
we had about 4 hours before we would arrive on the island. I had told …
My wife complained that her pussy was very itchy. It
was getting so bad that she was very uncomfortable. We
decided to go see a gynecologist. We had just moved in
to this small town and my wife didn’t have any idea
about who to go to. When I called one of my friends he
recommended the name of his …
Susan was prettier than usual that morning. Her
neatly-brushed silky blond hair just brushed her shoul-
ders with a slight wave. My downstairs neighbor had
dressed for comfort in running shorts, a tube top and
sandals. Her clothing hugged her lush figure tightly,
just as I wished I could. She seemed preoccupied, however, as we shared
our customary cup of …