“Adam, where are we going?”“To the planetarium.”“Um it’s the middle of the night. Isn’t the planetarium closed?”A mischievous grin. “Well, we won’t have to worry about it being crowded
then, will we?”We walked hand in hand through the still and starless night, a night almost as
beautiful as she was. Not many women are flattered by …
I’d just turned 40 and had one of those events, I’m not
going to call it a crisis, where I seriously examined
my life and I was not happy with what I saw. I was 40
and single, seeing nobody, going nowhere. I had a place
to live and a good job but took no joy from them, just
a …
My whole body tingled with excitement as I removed the
robe in front of the class. The eyes of twenty young
students, both male and female absorbed every inch of
my body. I searched out the ones that looked at me with
lust in their eyes. That included most of the men. A
few of the men were serious artists …
Inside the tenement where he lives, I marched on ahead of him down the hall. His hands were on my hips, flowing down to my waist, but they kept sliding up to grab my breasts, and I adored the feeling of this, what it did to my brain.
I twisted my body to rub back on his hands. I loved …
Sally hummed softly to herself as she put the pie into the oven. Her husband Jack would be coming home from the convention that evening and she wanted to make sure she had an especially nice meal ready for him. He must never suspect that anything out of the ordinary was going on in the Robbins household while he was …
Bob set the two suitcases inside the door of the mountain cabin and turned to look at his wife. His bride smiled, the clear light shimmering over her lightly tanned face, the sun glinting on her pale blonde hair.
“Here we are,” Bob said. “Honeymoon cottage.” He swept Linda into his arms and carried her over the threshold into the …
It was a Saturday night again, and time for Annette to babysit for the Longs. She carefully prepared herself for the wonderfully pleasurable night to come. She knew that it was time for some ass-fucking.
Hearing the horn, she went out the door to meet Mr. Long in his car. They exchanged warm greetings, each thinking of their last meeting.…
The small ad caught Joy’s eye on the morning of January
5th as she was sorting through the various sections of
the New York Times. She read it, paused, reread it. She
chuckled softly, turned to the front page, and read
about the downing of two Libyan planes as she downed
her toast and coffee. ————————–
WANTED: Extras for big…
I was fuming when I slammed the door to the bar. The
big hairy bouncer making me leave. The skinny geek was
being held back by his friends as I exited, screaming
curses holding his bleeding head. Dork deserved getting
smacked in the head with that bottle. “No one, but no one cops a feel off Louise Kelly Bishop
without …
Back when I was teen old my older brother had
gotten injured pretty badly during a football game.He was in the hospital for awhile because he had brain
swelling and a back injury. When he came home my mom
cared for him mostly until she began working full time
and I had to take over for her.It was …