Kimberly Dougherty buzzed through the suburban streets
with the wind blowing her curly, reddish-brown hair in
all directions. The care-free girl had taken her last
test the day before at Warner College, and was looking
forward to a relaxing summer. Gone were the worries of
research papers and final exams. Her radio blared, and she bopped to the rhythm in …
Before I start you have to understand that neither my
husband nor I had any intention or even conversation
about swinging before this vacation. We are married now
for 10 years and have two kids. As most couples with kids
after a family vacation there wasn’t much time or money
left over for just a couple’s retreat, so we hadn’t…
I’m an average looking guy from Orange County, CA who
has been reading all these stories on the net for years
and felt it’s time to finally tell my story. I should
probably mention that I had always had a major thing
for Asian women. Growing up in California, it’s not hard to find hot
Asian girls just about everywhere. …
An incident happened the other night, quite by accident,
that awakened something in me I didn’t know I had. Last
Thursday night a friend of mine, Larry, came over to
talk, drink a beer, and watch some TV. He works at the
same place I do, and since we had a three day weekend,
we were in no hurry to …
Keeping with schedule, Kendra and Mark made love as
soon as he returned home from work. The newly engaged
couple eagerly leapt into each others arms, despite a
brewing dinner that needed tending. Mark couldn’t help it,
he had been plagued with a severe erection the entire drive
home. He had to be with is love. Ever since she agreed …
It was a beautiful Summer Day. Marsha Brady and her
Sister Jan, were out in their back yard sunbathing.
Their Step Dad had had the good sense to have a very
high privacy fence, built around the back yard. The way
the yard was set up. There was a small section behind
the garage that was especially private. The kids …
He laid there in bed, the covers tossed aside, and that
sheet the only thing protecting him from view. As he
drew that thin white sheet up over him, he turned over,
yet again, trying to get comfortable and return to
slumber. His arm pulled up under a splay of raven
strands long enough to reach mid back. Many people…
I was 20 years old and living in my first apartment for
almost a year. I had graduated from high school about 2
years prior and had immediately landed my first position
in the business department of a large lumber corporation.
There was a company branch site in my hometown, a large
metropolis in the South, so I began working …
When I left the University I had a degree in
photography, and I looked forward to becoming a full-
time professional.What I hadn’t counted on was that for each job, there
were at least twenty qualified applicants. And my sex
was definitely a hindrance, too, as they seemed to
favor male photographers. I became disheartened and
desperate, until I …
My name is Barney and I’m 28-years-old. This story is
about a wild experience I had at the Driftwood Bar in my
hometown about three months ago. And yes the pictures are
real, a guy who just about lives in the bar happens
to have a digital camera and is so used to what happens
there that he’s always prepared.…