The doorbell rang and Sheila answered it. “Oh, Mandy,”
she said, “I’m so glad you stopped by! Come on back to
the kitchen. What a coincidence. My husband was just
saying that, since I’d mentioned you so often, he’d
like to meet you. And here you are!”“Yes, here I am,” Mandy laughed. “Are you sure I
haven’t met your …
I saw him at the 7-11. I had walked over from
the dorm to take a break from studying. He was about
17 or so. He was wearing shopworn, used, old jeans
that hugged his tight butt and legs. His basket was
clearly visible, hanging loosely in the denim. The
jeans and his work boots had stains in spots, evidence…
I never would have taken the art appreciation class if
my friends hadn’t convinced me that it was a snap. “Hey,
it’s Art in the Dark, man. All you do is watch a bunch
of bogus slides in the dark.” Cool, I thought.I picked a seat in the last row. It was dark, farthest
from the prof and closest …
A story about the drunken wife who is mauled by three
Sometime back I read a story on the net about how a
person took his wife to a friend’s house where she
didn’t know most of the people. There, he got his wife
drunk and then lifted her skirt to show her panties to
everyone. That story got …
It had been a good take this year; the little vampire tossed the
crumbled blanket aside and emptied the overstuffed plastic grocery bag
onto his bed. A cascade of tiny colors and shapes, with browns and
oranges speckled throughout.Separating the booty into piles, he rasped a violent cough and wiped
his nose along a patch of forearm exposed through …
[The set-up: Ben and his friends have rented a beach house on Long
Island for a week. His sister Jessica, whom he had told “should stop
by” surprises him by actually showing up from her home in Philadelphia.
This scene takes place after the first night’s party.]Ben woke up. There was someone else in bed with him. Someone female,…
Gwen and John had sex, just like they did every week or so. She came off with a languid sigh and he spewed into her, but unusual during their couplings, she had something else on her mind. “We have a problem, John,” she said after returning from the bathroom. “Like what? Is it money?” “I […]
Anger! It pulsated in her breast like a living thing! Elizabeth stared at Wayne Baker and anger flowed out of her like steaming hot water out of a tap. She was surprised that he couldn’t feel it. He was standing down by her spread legs so smug, so naked, with his cock hanging over his […]
We were in Atlantic City. It was our honeymoon. We had tied the knot that morning. Lezli had made a beautiful bride. She was still wearing her wedding gown as we checked into the hotel. She was beautiful. My proud black bride. Long light brown hair spilling down to her shoulders, her veil still on […]
Linda sat at the kitchen table head in hands staring at the floor. She was depressed, what was she going to do? Herb was becoming more and more distant, and the chil- dren were beginning to notice that their parents were having problems. Herb just couldn’t get it up anymore, and their sex life was […]