It has been said that every person has some dark passion buried within his soul — some hidden secret, desire or whim that may never surface. Such a secret may be evil or sinister, or it may be trivial and trite.In America, dark, forbidden passions may be easily submerged and hidden by the complexities of modem everyday life. Yet, …
After college I had to do four years in the Army to pay back my ROTC
scholarship. I was commissioned a second lieutenant and assigned as a
platoon leader in an infantry company. I had married Michelle while in
college and I managed to get a small married-officer quarters on the base
where I was stationed. Things were pretty tough …
Before I met you, I was only half a man. Oh, yes, I had a sort of life, but I now know that it was only partially satisfying. I was meant to be your mate, as you were meant to be mine — hand, head, heart, spirit, and, most importantly, body. Back in high school, […]
I tenderly pressed my lips on Vicki’s, and she gently kissed back as
the warm smooth innards of her pussy threatened to send me into a wild
ejaculation. I wanted to enjoy her for a longer time before that
happened. I had slowed down and even stopped pumping several times in
the long while that I’d been inside her.Vicki …
“God, your dad is so hot.” Nikki sighed in the dark and I giggled. “It
isn’t funny.”“You always say that.” I shimmied my shoulders a little, getting more
comfortable.We were sharing my bed, like we’d done a gazillion times before and it
was really just made for one person. Nikki and I were small anyway
though and besides …
I first met Ms. Michaels when my roommate, Cindy, and I happened to run into her walking across campus. My roommate stopped her and introduced me.“How do you do,” said Ms. Michaels. She looked friendly enough and paid attention to me, but there was something that made me uneasy about her.That was the only time I saw her …
“Tell them that I am looking for a wife with
traditional values.”I am talking to your father and mother. You are a
beautiful young girl. I have no idea how old you
are. You look very young, but your parents
consider you marriageable.“They don’t trust Americans. They were hoping for
a husband who wasn’t a foreigner.”“I have …
When I wrote “Anna, Susan, Sandra, Sis, and me”, it was a personal
experiment writing a story as dialog only. I didn’t get much feedback but
three out of the four letters asked for a sequel to the story. This was
never my intention but when I read the story again, I realised that the
story and characters held promises …
The Y2K Bug and the surrounding hullabaloo is remembered by people in
different ways. For me it simply puts a date, New Year’s Eve 2000,
which would mark a transitional point from quiet, ordinary “normal”
person with “unusual” secret desires to the beginning of the road to
the person I am today.I’m going to skip over the first six …
Detective Lansing removed his black hat and lightly knocked on the
apartment door. A few moments later, the door slowly opened.“Can I help you,” a girl behind the door asked, suspiciously.The detective noticed that she had a cute face. She looked to be a
woman of about twenty years old with shoulder length brown hair and
stylish eyeglasses.…