It was working out quite well. I had hired Niki for
one of my staff positions a couple months before. She
was a little light on experience but made up for that
with maturity and attitude. Since I couldn’t get my
boss to pay market wages, I was quite happy to have
Niki.Niki was divorced and trying to build …
It had been a long day of teaching and he was tired and ready for a
beer when he arrived at his house. There was a strange car parked in
front of it as he arrived. As he parked he saw that it was one of his
students, a young woman who had been struggling in his accounting
class. He …
The snow was falling gently without a whisper of wind
to affect the lazy path of the snowflakes as they
tumbled in the cool crisp winter night. Below, the
town was spread across the winter landscape everything
in view softened by the continuing snowfall. A quarter
moon barely lit the scene with a pale silver light.With a swoosh, the …
It was one of those cold December nights that made me wonder why I
stuck around at this job. I worked for the campuse police department
at a pretty large midwestern university. As part of my job I had to
stand on top of one of the dorm buildings and keep an eye on the
parking lots surrounding it. Lots …
It was at sunset when she meant the most to him.They sat, always the same, on the porch outside her room. He brushed her
hair and pinned it back, careful to keep the curls lying flat against the
nape of her neck. She had always kept it like this when she had been
able to care for it herself. …
“Hey there,” the pizza girl said, “David?”The question mark is part of the flirtatious game we play, this lovely
pizza girl and I. For about six months, at least once a week, I drop
by to pick up a pizza for the family. Usually she gives me a big
pepperoni pizza, although every so often, I manage to sneak …
1. Air Conditioner“Unh.”“Unh.”“Hunh…unh!”Again.One more time.Again.One more time.Again.“Yeah…yeah, you like that.”“Unh.”Again.“Unh.”One more time.“Unh.”She takes another swing.“Unh.”It’s not really that I like“Unh.”being fucked up the ass.Not really.“Unh.”Again.“Unh.”One more time.“Unh.”It’s just that that’s all we do.“Yeah, …
Still Mazatlan, Sinaloa Her eyes flashed open. It was light. For more than a few seconds she was
disorientated. Then it washed over her like a wave. She shivered. Could
feel his warmth. When she couldn’t find him with her feet, she turned to look
for him. The sleeping bag was empty. A shock of fear spread through her like…
Generally speaking, Danny was a dumbshit. I guess it wasn’t really his
fault, but damn, he sure could be dense. I guess it was mostly a function
of his age and lack of worldly experience, after all, he was only
seventeen, and had lived his entire life thusfar in a small, backwards,
redneck town. Sometimes the shit he pulled was …
My wife was out of town for the week, which left me without much to do
besides watching TV or catching the basketball games on the radio. So when
rush hour hit, I headed to a nearby bar and sat at the rail to check out the
traffic, ordering a gin and tonic to pass the time. It was an …