The husband goes into a funk, relieved only when the couple’s old troop asks him to drive the bus for its last camping trip. But the trip takes a surprising turn when some of the former scouts seduce him in his tent as he’s waiting for the scouts’ mothers to show up. After two passionate bouts, he falls asleep.Despite …
t was about a quarter til nine in the evening when I entered the
hair salon. Almost closing time. The store was empty, except for the
woman working there. She was sweeping up with a broom. Tall, long
frizzy blonde hair, statuesque, mid 30’s. She looked at me with a trace
of annoyance — no doubt because my presence meant …
It sounded like a good weekend getaway. Brandi’s parents were
going out of town, and they needed someone to watch the dogs. They had
a house in the mountains. We got there early Friday afternoon.
Her parents left, and we had the place to ourselves. It had been
in the high 20’s, and about 4pm, it started snowing like crazy.…
Check out the questionnaire!) It was an unseasonably warm April evening. I was house-sitting for
some rather wealthy friends of mine. They were in Asia for three
weeks, and I had the run of their house … in return for keeping their
dogs and cats fed. There were some definite perques to this
assignment. Their house was up in the …
Before Dr. Mike realized what was happening, she felt Colleen’s
fingers squeezing her breast, through her clothing, while still
hugging her firmly.“Col… Colleen!” She exclaimed. “What are you doing?”“It’s all right Ma,” Colleen looked into her eyes. “It’ll feel good,
honest.”“B… but it’s wrong Colleen.” Michaela tried to tell her daughter.“But, if it feels good, how …
I. My Cherokee girl Do you love someone? Did you ever…? Sometimes I don’t know and I doubt
I ever did. “Love” is a word, not a feeling… And can you describe
feelings by saying out loud what is going inside you? I also do not know
the answer to that question. You live and you feel, that’s all I …
Jessie went into the massage parlor in hopes of getting a few kinks worked out of a very tired body. She had been by this place several times but was afraid to go in not because she didn’t want another person touching her body, she liked that, but because of what her body looked like without clothes on. But today …
The days following that Saturday were something of a blur; I know that’s a cliché but stick with me on this. I’m not going to describe each time we made love because it would bore you and, after the first two chapters, you should be well versed in what we look like. However, I will give you a brief rundown …
Barbara is tall, about 5′ 7″, slender and light-boned, so that her 127 pounds
are not skinny. She wears her deep brown hair short and curly, and dresses for
business in tailored pantsuits, with just a touch of color in her accessories.
Although she appears to be in her early thirties, she will celebrate her
forty-second birthday this coming November.…
When I left the University I had a degree in
photography, and I looked forward to becoming a full-
time professional.What I hadn’t counted on was that for each job, there
were at least twenty qualified applicants. And my sex
was definitely a hindrance, too, as they seemed to
favor male photographers. I became disheartened and
desperate, until I …