Every week I go over to my grandmother’s house to mow the lawn and generally fix up and clean up her yard. She tells me how much she appreciates the help, now that her husband is gone. One day this summer I learned just exactly how much she appreciated me! I walked into her kitchen […]
I got to my room and took my towel off and threw it to the side. I put the page of “goodies” next to the bed. I opened up the bag and started taking some stuff out. I bought some oils, lubes, and ticklers. The best things I got I was saving for last. I […]
My bestfriends mom Suja 42 years old MILF, 4.8 feet height , fair look. I was like a son for her. I used to vist her home every weekend. Her family cosists of she and 2 daughters only. One among them was my best frind. The experience of fucking my bestfriend was already published. One […]
I have only been delivering pizza for a week. I need to make some extra cash, to pay off some school loans. I was still waiting to here back on some other applications, I put in last week. The store owner called over the loud speaker. “Buck! Pick up! Two large pizza to go.” he […]
There’s a very special private club around, it’d meetings take place in a very secret place. It takes a lot to gain membership. You have to either have a lot of money AND a friend in the club OR you have to take part in the ceremonies for at least a year. Also you have […]
Behind the outward serenity and closed doors of middle-class suburban homes, we find people tormented by the same problems that have afflicted men and women throughout the ages. While Americans today are leading “the good life”, enjoying material comforts unheard of in other countries, people may still find themselves in an emotional turmoil, reinforced by […]
My Grandpa had passed away after being admitted to the hospital for the past week. Frankly, we had made peace with the fact that he wouldn’t make it out of the hospital alive, given that he was over 70 years old and that it was his third heart attack. The entire week, granny sat right […]
Email after Drksecret chat Hi Jason. Been reading your posts at slutwifetalk and would love to see more of your gorgeous wife Kathy. She truly is a hot, sexy, white slut! Have attached another pic of me, kindest regards, Harvey Harvey: Hi Jason, Thanks for your reply. I was hoping you would! Kathy is very, […]
18 year old Mike Hampton stood in the doorway to his living room and the sight he beheld made his already hard young cock grow painfully harder in the tight yellow Speedos he still wore from swim practice. He had gotten home a few minutes earlier and had dumped his t-shirt, towel and sweats in […]
The bar was quite noisy with groups of people meeting after work to relay the day’s events. There was a football game on the TV screens which was attracting loud groups of men, all with their opinion on how their team was performing. Jan sat in a booth towards the back of the bar on […]