Which part of town was this anyway? Susan’s head
cleared a little. A tiny little bit. There are
advantages to speeding after all, like the cool air
that blew in her face through the window, making her
less dizzy. She wasn’t sure how long the ride was
taking though. Long enough to have to remove Mick’s
hand from her shoulder …
One of the nicest surprises happened to me the other day. We have a ‘small’ private toilet in our bedroom with one of those small washbasins to wash your hands after using the toilet.It was early in the morning when I woke up. Well, I walked into the toilet, (we sleep naked most of the time) and took my …
Elizabeth lays on the couch, her head in Jason lap. Staring up at him she realize how lucky she is to be where she is. He slowly and absentmindedly plays with her brown hair as he sits entranced by the movie they rented. All she can think of his how wonderful he looks. His cool blue eyes and tan skin. …
Much of our sex isn’t planned. It just seems to happen. For
example, we were lying in bed late last Friday spooning under our
duvet, when my wife stated quite boldly that she wanted me to fuck
her. Never one to turn down a chance to fuck my wife, I pulled down
my briefs and started to thrust myself against …
While I was away for several weeks (without my bf) I couldn’t help but
think about the questions I’ve received about deepthroating. Here’s an
example that the sender gave permission to cite if I answered it publicly:++++ You said you enjoy swallowing your bf during long episodes of oral
sex. I had a girl do that to me once …
I like a lot of men, fantasize about my wife Jenny
having sex with other men. She has a fantastic body.
She is 5′ 5″, 115 lbs, Blonde just longer than shoulder
length hair, very firm boobs, only 34 C and that is
being generous. She is a very proportional 34-25-35
body. Jenny is 22 and has graduated from college …
Amy was getting her ass fucked. Hard. She buried her head in her pillow and muffled a scream. She wished it didn’t feel this good. She wanted to hate it. She wanted to despise every part of sex that night. Because she despised the man who was doing it to her. But she had become a slut and developed a …
I had only just turned 24 when I came across to LA to try out as a Kicker
for a gridiron team. I’d been playing Australian Rules football in
Melbourne and was considered one of the better kicks in the game, an
American talent scout had seen me on the TV and made me a very attractive
offer, if I …
A mature, hirsute lesbian cleaning woman lusts after
the young college girls that she sees every day at
work. Then before she knows it, she’s experiencing a
lustful love session with an 18-year-old freshman
lesbian.Mary pulled her beat-up old car in front of her house
and stepped out. It had been a long day at work. For
the past …
Hi. Let me introduce myself. My name is Louise . I am only about 5ft tall; slim with lots
of dark hair and hazel eyes. I look a bit like Christina
Ricci I’ve been told. I have quite pouty lips. I used to
hate my “fat” lips” but have since learned that they
have their uses! I live in a …