When I married Janet, we were both 23, out of college, and beginning our careers. Neither one of us was a virgin, and during the twelve years we’ve been married, neither one of us had ever pried into or even discussed past lovers. Janet is a “Lady,” in all the positive connotations that word brings […]
Christina loved Nattelie’s pussy, especially when it is fresh fucked and oozing cum. For some reason cum tasted better from Nattalies pussy then from Rob’s dick. Christina remembers the first time she tasted cum, it wasn’t from a boy but from her dog. It wasn’t the same as people cum, it was thinner but just […]
Mrs. Walsh opened the door and was shocked and very happy to see her daughter’s boyfriend. Brenda was out, but she invited him in any way. Always happy to see his young handsome face around the house, she brought him into the kitchen and began talking to him, neglecting to mention Brenda was probably gone […]
Brandon felt angry. Here he was, always the perfect gentleman, always the perfect son, always the perfect host. And what had it gotten him? His friends had very little respect for him, his girlfriend cheated on him, his parents took advantage of him. Brandon was tired of being the “nice” guy. He was picking his […]
We were only a few turns into the game, but my wife was already way ahead (as usual). Being an avid Scrabble player and a voracious reader, her mind possessed an incredible vocabulary, including every two- and three-letter word in the Scrabble Player’s Dictionary. But I enjoyed the game regard- less of whether I won […]
Jan leant down and kissed Dan hard; she pulled back and looked at him, ‘Dan, its ok. Don’t worry, you can fuck me bareback, I’m ok with it, I give you permission to spunk in me. In fact I want it bareback. It’s more exciting, not knowing what will happen, perhaps you will make me […]
Rachel and I went to visit her aunt and uncle. It has been a while and people do change.They used to come to her mom and dad’s place often in the summer and with their camper they would stay for weeks. As children Rachel and I would spend a lot of time with her cousins […]
The whole thing smelled like it had been spritzed with the inside of a Cosmopolitan. I’m still not sure what kind of perfume it is, but until I associated it with her, I couldn’t stand it… It’s fairly safe to say that the promise an entire weekend with Amanda dominated my thoughts for the remainder […]