category: orgy

Orgy on the workplace


Not even an appointment. Not a chance my boss would see him. And it was five minutes until lunch time! I couldn’t believe these salesmen, ever hopeful. But he was insistent, so I finally rang the boss. “A George Randolph here to see you.” “Does he have an appointment?” came my boss’s voice. She has […]

Dana gangbanged on the subway


As soon as Dana was off school grounds, she removed her clothes from underneath her trenchcoat. Damn stupid rules, making her wear clothing all the time. It’s not as if nudity was obscene. But boys were stupid and messed everything up. Because THEY went batshit when she was naked, SHE had to wear at least […]

World of Mystery and of course, sex!


Felix Harris yawned and stretched as he pondered the computer screen in front of him. His Minotaur Ranger had just swung his Battleaxe of Cleaving at several nasty looking wolf creatures and now he had to wait for the monsters to decide what they were going to do. His Universe of Battle character swayed gently […]

After School Special


I am a graduate student at a large southwestern university. As required by my department, I teach two sections of introductory psychology every semester. These classes attract, as you may suspect, some of the most beautiful wenches on campus. Last semester in particular featured a number of lust inducers that would rival any of those […]

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