“I saw this, too.”Stan’s hand began searching for, then finding, the side hem of the
sarong.Helen tilted her head, eyes closed, as Stan’s mouth found that wonderful
hollow in her neck below her ear, that special place that excites her.
Already she was coloring – her pale skin took on a red glow.Now he had one hand …
Its been pretty warm here the last few weeks. On a typical Saturday
afternoon, I was trying give my classic 66 Mustang a tune up. I wanted to
get it ready for the shore and even warmer weather. My wife was at work
and I just wanted to putter around the house today. In the driveway was my
older sisters …
I was sitting in the reading lounge at the library when this guy came
out-of-the-blue and took a seat right at the table I was sitting. There
was plenty of other tables in the place and no more than a handful of
people quietly reading… I was too startled to hide my annoyance but I
tried to remain courteous. I …
I quickly discovered that my woman was more adaptable
than I ever imagined. She has been great fun to play
with ever since I opened up. I think it allowed patty
to honestly look at her own leanings and admit she was
into the power. She was an insecure young girl when we
met but has turned into a power …
Al Lambert had gone to a party with her older brother JT
Lambert. The party was at the house of his girlfriend, Sara.
All the others from school were there and everyone was having
a good time. Sara’s parents were away for the weekend and
the girl had decided to throw the party.There was plenty of booze and drugs …
It was the sound of something going “Pop!” that woke Maria up. She had been
asleep only a little while it seemed, having got home with Joseph somewhat
late that evening.After waiting an hour for the flying boat to arrive, Joseph and Maria had
been among the first to leave Hiro Atamo’s party. Joseph didn’t want to hang
around …
“You poor honey,” Pat said.
Lauren and Pat were in Pat’s living room and Lauren was complaining about her problems with Jim.
“It’s awful,” Lauren said. “I mean, he raped me.”
Pat chuckled. “Well, not quite, darling.”
“He did something hateful to me.”
“Like what?”
Lauren blushed. “I’d rather not talk about it.”
Pat chuckled again. “All right, I can …
Karen had, after all, showered with Diane before and
they were roommates but this was pretty private. Even
so, she leaned up, slipped the elastic over her butt-
cheeks and stretched her legs out and also kicked off
her under panties. Karen’s pussy was also getting very
moist. Without even touching it, Karen felt the
pleasant sensation in her loins.…
We were having an early cocktail. It was a Friday in
late summer, still sunny and warm at 6:30, and it was
our traditional “Thank God it’s Friday, only two more
working days until Monday,” celebration. “Hans made an email pass at me today,” Betty said. “Hans, the guy in from Denmark?” I asked, Betty had
mentioned him before. “Yeah, …
Before I start you have to understand that neither my
husband nor I had any intention or even conversation
about swinging before this vacation. We are married now
for 10 years and have two kids. As most couples with kids
after a family vacation there wasn’t much time or money
left over for just a couple’s retreat, so we hadn’t…