One summers evening not long ago, Hazel and I decided to go out for a drive. We had been talking dirty to each other all day, and we were both randy as hell. Hazel is in her 30s, size 18 with nice big tits, and after some encouragement she agreed to come out wearing just […]
Anna Maria Palmer was relaxed as she walked up to the dorm hall entrance on the campus of Syracuse University. It was Friday, late in September of 1979. Her only child, Beth, should be out of her last class any time now, so they can go to dinner. Her long, brown hair hung down to […]
Susan was never quite certain when it started, when the feelings began to change inside her, when they began to take on the taint of lust and heat and sexual desire. It happened sometime after her adolescence, not her own, but her daughter’s. Susan remember her own adolescence all too well. She remembered her budding […]
My wife is a flirt but compared to her sister, shes a nun. Carol is a real raver. Shes in her early thirties, curvy with big boobs and long legs, long black hair and sexy smile. Shes divorced but did well out of the settlement having her own house, car and spare cash. So, she […]
The Director handed me a manila envelope marked “A/R” and a Texaco map of Idaho and Western Montana. Then he shoved a fat computer printout toward me. “Look this over when you aren’t busy,” Director Calvin told me. “I think you’ll want to talk to me about it.” He smiled his sallow, smug smile and […]
With a grim look on her pretty face, Melanie Patton gulped down the remainder of her Bloody Mary and poured another from the pitcher on the patio table in front of her, trying to block the memory of her husband wanting to lick her naked pussy the night before from her mind. The voluptuous twenty-five-year-old […]
She didn’t know why, but after helping her mother with the dinner dishes, Pam called Cissy. For some reason, she just needed to hear Cissy’s voice. “Why don’t you come over?” Cissy said. “My parents went to a movie. I’m babysitting for the brat, but he’s already asleep.” Ten minutes later, Pam was sitting in […]
Two weeks went by, and Sherri failed to talk to Frank. Tommy, too, was wondering. Not about Frank but about Cindy. It was unlike her to stay away so long. He didn’t like to see his mother so depressed. No matter how often they fucked, her happiness was only momentary. Once the glow of orgasm […]
She pulled him closer almost without realizing what she was doing. She felt his chest pressing the warmth of her young, but mature tits. Her thin halter did little to protect her from the insistent heat of his fingers. She found her nipples growing hard against the fabric, and she knew he was aware of […]
The latex body suit slid over my lightly powdered body and wrapped itself tightly around my torso. Its bra pushed my breasts up and out, an offering to the demons that haunt this man. I rolled one silky black stocking and pulled it on with a slow loving movement, after I had it secured with […]