I woke up with a start, my brain slowly coming into focus. I smiled as I realized it had only been a dream. But what a dream! In my dream, my mother and I were naked on her big bed, making love. I often fantasized about being in my beautiful mother’s arms. She was awesome. […]
“What a day,” thought Paula, as she sped down Marine Blvd. on her way to the bank, “it’s just one thing after another!” She knew that she was speeding, but what with the stop at the bank, grocery shopping, and a visit to the beauty parlor, she would be hard pressed to make her six […]
The watchman pulled the latch with trepidation. One hand gripped the cold pull-lever, the other his gun. The door clicked and creaked heavily open. There was darkness within. He peeked behind him. He would have some time before he had to get back, as he had skipped most of his rounds to get straight here. […]
She opened her eyes and squinted at the bright sun shining in the window. A light breeze blew through the open window, making the curtains flutter. The cool breeze blew across her skin, causing small bumps to form on her skin as she hugged the pillow and curled up into a fetal position. Looking at […]
I couldn’t believe it, yet I knew it was slowly happening. I was becoming enamored, completely taken, with my daughter’s college room mate. She was twenty years my junior, the same age as my daughter, yet it was happening in spite of all of my obvious misgivings. In spite of, or maybe because of, all […]
The first words I ever said to Eve were, “Yes, ma’am!” That seems funny now, looking back on all that happened that summer, all the things we did, the things we said, all that Eve taught me. It was one of the first warm, sunny days of summer and I was working at the boathouse […]
The whole thing smelled like it had been spritzed with the inside of a Cosmopolitan. I’m still not sure what kind of perfume it is, but until I associated it with her, I couldn’t stand it… It’s fairly safe to say that the promise an entire weekend with Amanda dominated my thoughts for the remainder […]
A little over a year ago, I found myself as a sophomore in college who worked as a receptionist at a dental office. The pay was, to say the least, not too good. I was living at home with my parents, brown-bagging my lunches and driving an ancient car to work and school. Then, one […]
Visiting VIP’s and other dignitaries are common at our offices, and we usually aren’t bothered by them. Now I was groaning as my boss told me that for the next two days I would be helping our Marketing department show a large group of people about our facilities. “Hell, John. I’m a senior analyst,” I […]
Jack fumbled with his packages, juggling them from arm to arm as he searched for his key. He’d put it away just a few minutes ago, when he’d left the apartment. Now where was it? Ah, there it was, in his jacket. He tugged, but the key ring was snagged on something. He pulled again. […]