My wife is a flirt but compared to her sister, shes a nun. Carol is a real raver. Shes in her early thirties, curvy with big boobs and long legs, long black hair and sexy smile. Shes divorced but did well out of the settlement having her own house, car and spare cash. So, she […]
The pretty blond girl squeezed her way over to me. “Hey! Are you Jeff?” “Yeah!” “And youre Monicas boyfriend?” “Yeah!” “Happy Birthday!” “Thanks!” “Im your present!” “What!?” “I said Im your present!” “What do you mean by that!?” We were right in the middle of the frat party, next to the dance floor. The girl […]
Val was on his way to visit his grandmother when the tire on his truck went flat. He cursed himself for not getting his spare refilled. Now what was he going to do. He reached into the glove compartment and took out his wallet. He had been living in his truck for about a month […]
Penny had been dropped of at Sandra’s by Roy and she had taken a shower and was sitting in the kitchen drinking a last cup of coffee before dragging herself of to bed when Sandra and Michelle came back from their night out. Joining her in the kitchen the two girls wanted to know everything […]
With a grim look on her pretty face, Melanie Patton gulped down the remainder of her Bloody Mary and poured another from the pitcher on the patio table in front of her, trying to block the memory of her husband wanting to lick her naked pussy the night before from her mind. The voluptuous twenty-five-year-old […]
“He just had too much to drink tonight. I’m sure he’ll be ashamed of himself tomorrow morning, and I’m sorry about Slim. He goes a bit overboard sometimes. That man, all he ever thinks about is body-building, his spa, and sex! But I love him!” “Do… do you ever…” Melanie lowered her eyes and blushed. […]
She didn’t know why, but after helping her mother with the dinner dishes, Pam called Cissy. For some reason, she just needed to hear Cissy’s voice. “Why don’t you come over?” Cissy said. “My parents went to a movie. I’m babysitting for the brat, but he’s already asleep.” Ten minutes later, Pam was sitting in […]
Jim Carver’s cock swelled fucking-hard again in less time than either of them had dared hope. Letha purred and cooed. She hadn’t lost her touch in three long and lonely years of widowhood. Ellen looked aghast. She’d never seen her husband’s great cock so long and throbbing hard. Sight of its fierce surging strength repulsed […]
Two weeks went by, and Sherri failed to talk to Frank. Tommy, too, was wondering. Not about Frank but about Cindy. It was unlike her to stay away so long. He didn’t like to see his mother so depressed. No matter how often they fucked, her happiness was only momentary. Once the glow of orgasm […]
“… and she told me about the deal she made with Tommy,” Frank was saying. “I was pretty damn pissed about that, too.” He had came over right after hanging up. Sherri had scrambled into her robe, running her fingers through her mussed hair, frantically urging Tommy and Cindy to get dressed. Tommy had his […]