Walter owned a hotel, a Grand Hotel.
He was actually a minority stockholder, but his business
partners were interested in money, not hotels.
As long as profits remained adequate. It was his hotel.It was a miracle, Walter had never been busted for
sexual harassment. He regularly fucked the majority of his female
Perhaps he had escaped because it …
This story is true. I swear it. The people in it are real. These
springs really exist in the mountains somewhere north of
Seattle…however, the cooperative that maintains them doesn’t
want any extra publicity, so the exact location is going to have to
stay a secret. He walked slowly up the mountainside bowed under the heavy
pack on his back, …
Barbi quivered with fuck-lust as she reined in the black stallion. She climbed off and stroked the horse’s powerful neck.
“You’re terrific, Beauty,” she said, her words coated with passion. Riding the sleek stallion had the crotch of her panties soaked and she hoped the hot buttery pussy juices hadn’t seeped through to her riding pants.
Beauty neighed and nuzzled …
Time was his home. Home was his time. To enjoy, to know, to
experience everything that ever was and ever will be. Centuries past and
future were his present always, for there was never a past or future for
him. He was the time-traveller, experiencing, intervening in, guiding the
present of millions as he became a part of their moments …
I’m sitting with my back against my husband on the
little couch I keep in my bedroom for lounging on.
We’re watching a movie on the TV. I’m not really paying
attention to the show, instead just enjoying the
closeness to my husband. I like the way he feels
against me. I can feel his muscles and I love feeling…
Sally hummed softly to herself as she put the pie into the oven. Her husband Jack would be coming home from the convention that evening and she wanted to make sure she had an especially nice meal ready for him. He must never suspect that anything out of the ordinary was going on in the Robbins household while he was …
I loved it when my wife would give me her best come hither
look, asking me to join her in bed.“Give me a minute, I just want to check the doors.”“Hurry up, I’m getting lonely.” she purred.I didn’t need much more encouragement than that. I think I
set a land speed record going downstairs to make sure …
Most people have never heard of me. I like it that way. Fighting
crime is tough enough without having to maintain a rep. My unique
talents don’t lend themselves to being displayed on the big screen.
Well maybe in a porno movie. Yeah, like I’m going to sell my life
story to some porn producer. Get real.I always knew …
My name’s Sandi, and I want to tell you about some of the horny
adventures I’ve had. This one’s about when I left school and got
a job in an office. Unfortunately some of what REALLY happened
is probably a bit too naughty to tell you, so I’ve had to miss
it out! Still, even without it, I think that …
Winner lifts one of my feet out of the skirt and then the other. He
throws my skirt somewhere behind me.The Winner stands in front of me. His hand touches me just below my
breasts. His hands move over my belly and work their way down. He
moves his hand down to my pantyhose and presses his palm …