Eric arrived home at two in the morning. Rita had been asleep for hours and she only stirred and mumbled something when he crawled into bed beside her. The next morning she was up early, however, showered and dressed in white shorts and a crisp, striped blouse. After preparing his favorite breakfast, she brought it […]
It was a straightforward job, one the Engineer could do in his sleep. At 1500 hours the target would leave her expensive private academy and take the school shuttlebus to her home. The house, in a prosperous suburb of Houston, was set back behind a row of hedges which concealed it from neighbors. It would […]
She gripped his hands and pushed them off. “No,” she said. “Here’s what you do. First slid your hands around them. Just squeeze softly. A little harder. Good. Now let your hands slide over them lightly. Stroke your hands over them on either side of the nipples. Don’t touch the nipples. He stroked her breasts […]
The doctor finished surgery and went out to clean up. The man had been lucky. He had been helping out at a local church fund raiser when a gang had decided to make the priest there (who had been an outspoken opponent of the local gangs) a target of a drive by. But the man […]
I’ll admit that I’m feeling a little nervous. It’s New Year’s Eve, and I’m alone in a motel room in a strange city. We’ve talked many times, but this will be our first time to meet in person. I was delighted when you asked me to spend New Year’s with you, but now I’m starting […]
Harry was in the den, reading, when it started. She came in, and sat down next to him on the couch. “I’m ready,” she said. “For what?” he asked. “Everything.” “Everything,” he thought “What…had she changed her mind?” He looked at her, and asked, “Everything? Are you sure?” She tilted her head down, covering her […]
My parent wasn’t poor, but we didn’t have a lot. That was the reason I usually spend my summer vacation with my mothers sister and her husband and daughter. The second reason was possibly to keep my cousin from dyeing of boredom. My aunt and uncle earned considerably more than my parents and could afford […]
My friend, My stomach was knotted even before I asked the maitre d’ where my date waited; I couldn’t remember last feeling that sour tug. The maitre d’ was a porcelain dandy with pink shaven head, sitting in weary disdain of the fools besetting his pulpit from all sides. His watery blue eyes indicted me […]
You stood there in the candlelight, your eyes big and shining in the flicker. Looking a little nervous…maybe a little scared. Also more than a little excited. Very pretty in the little black dress. In the Italian restaurant, many eyes were upon you, you were turning heads. I stand behind you, and you feel my […]
The third rainy day in a row was starting to get a little wearing. Claire was getting bored with the holiday but you have to expect wet weather out of season. We were on holiday for a rest as much as anything else so when I suggested an afternoon trip to the cinema, I thought […]