I tried to hide in the shadows as I made my way down the dark street, nighttime coming much to fast, and me with really no place to go. My mom was drunk, again. I hated it when she started drinking because I could do nothing right. Her boyfriend was looking at me like I […]
Work was hell, but at the very least I knew I was going to have a good time tonight. Sinne was in town, and with a couple of fibs about going out with the guys I’d be out the door without my wife any the wiser. Preparing my excuse-it was going to be a “co-worker’s […]
This letter describes one of the most memorable visits of Carl and Eddy, the two giant black American lovers of my beautiful young albino wife. At the time of this visit the lads had not been down for nearly two months. They ad been on holiday and we went away on our vacation on the […]
Dear Idiot, How are you? Never mind I don’t care, I just want to write you and complain about something that you wrote to a newsgroup that I found on google. I recently found your stories on the usenet, and even though they completely suck, I did a search to find more to read. Well, […]
I had a vivid dream last night, which is quite strange for me; because I vary rarely, remember having dreamt at all. It was so clear, as if I were watching a movie of myself and so sexually realistic I actually orgasmed in my sleep. It started with me standing in a dark nightclub at […]
The Jehovah’s Witnesses of porn. Kenny pushed his straw colored bangs from his eyes and stuck a finger into the collar of his shirt, trying to loosen his tie some. It was a hot July day; too hot really, to be walking around in a suit, but he had to look respectable. After taking a […]
“I’m a lesbian, you idiot!” He shrugged. “I’m gay. The point is we both want children and our government is not friendly to same-sex couples adopting. So we make our own.” “Ewwww.” “Oh, don’t come all male-sex-is-rape on me. You had sex the night of your prom. You told me so.” “I did?” “When we […]
Cassie loved cocks and lots of them; the problem was getting enough of them into her at one time. She was of average height, with long slender limbs, small perky breasts and kept her pussy completely shaved for extra sensitivity. This particular day Cassie had decided to have a little fun with a road crew […]
I was 20 cycles old when I got my first ship. My father did “The Long Run” just before I was born. Ten years from Mars high orbit to various mining colonies and then on to Io and back. He missed my early childhood, but came back with 1 million credits. I always wanted to […]
After 6 years of working tech support for a Fortune 500 company in the IT Department I got canned. I knew it was coming. I wasted no time moping. I took an interim position at a local bank. That’s right, as a teller. It would tide me over until one of my resumes struck paydirt. […]