A book, perhaps the collected works of Shakespeare, propped open the window. It was after midnight, the moon rising high into the perpetually cloudless night sky, its luminance overpowering most of the stars. A nearly imperceptible breeze ebbed and flowed through the open panes, caressing my skin as I lay on top of the sheets. […]
I couldn’t believe that Susan, my wife of two and a half years would really do this to me. Yet here I sat in the back seat of our Olds wearing a short blue satin cocktail dress. The slinky skirt kept riding up my smoothly shaven, nylon-clad thighs to display a provocative glimpse of pretty […]
A wife and mother wishes for some colour in her contented but somewhat dull life. She gets it. A fantasy of having sex with men half her age becomes more than just a fantasy, more than she hoped for, a lot more. Part one of a pleasant and friendly rape tale. Often it’s the little […]
My wife and I have known the neighbour’s 18yo teen since he was born and have been friendly with his parents for years before that. From a young age we guessed he was big because at BBQ’s around their house in the summer he would be in the puddling pool and in speedos which showed […]
Initially, Amy was hesitant when Alex had asked her if she wanted to take the bus instead of a plane. She knew that what should have been a couple-hour journey would now take more than a whole day, but when she saw the price difference she would have to say yes. She ended up being […]
Eric arrived home at two in the morning. Rita had been asleep for hours and she only stirred and mumbled something when he crawled into bed beside her. The next morning she was up early, however, showered and dressed in white shorts and a crisp, striped blouse. After preparing his favorite breakfast, she brought it […]
“At least give it a chance,” Rita coaxed. Sam and Mandi were spending the afternoon at her house watching x-rated videos and, she hoped, getting so horny that they could not resist what she was offering. “I told you at the very beginning, no men,” Sam said angrily. She was standing up, hands on her […]
“Where the hell have you been?” asked Matt, in mid-bite of his breakfast, as his older sister Claire stepped through the front door, still dressed in the clothes she had worn out the night before. “Hey, Bro,” Claire said with a weak smile, as she ran a hand through her tousled red hair, which had […]
Charline Sutter threw back the covers and crawled out of bed, careful not wake her still-sleeping husband, Dan. She stood still for a moment, smoothing her hands down over the lush curves of her voluptuous coffee-colored body, along her full, firm hips and downwards along the womanly curves of her outer thighs. Yes, she told […]
Charline Sutter liked to drive her powder-blue sports car, liked the way it snugly hugged the road no matter how torturously bent or curved it became, no matter what shape or line it took. She enjoyed, too, the feeling of power as she carefully steered and shifted gears of the sleek little car as she […]