When I was younger, I used to stay with my grandmother a lot on the weekends. It was a big house, and a busy house, too. Several of my relatives lived there, including two of my aunts who had their own bedrooms, in addition to my grandmother’s bedroom. I even had a younger male cousin […]
My Aunt Judy was a pervert. To be precise she was a paedophile, to be even more precise she was a lesbian paedophile. I don’t know how many other girls she’d molested, but I know from things she said while she molested me over the 6 weeks I spent with her that Summer I wasn’t […]
I guess my sex life began one day during the summer of my thirteenth year as I was doing my chores. I was in my brother’s room putting away his clean clothes, and I found a stack of pornographic magazines in his underware drawer. Out of curiosity as to what could be so great about […]
My younger sister Lucinda is a hairstylist. So when she said that I needed a haircut, and offered to clip me for free, I agreed. Lucy’s got a cute, sexy little body and even though she’s my sister, I’ve always secretly had the hots for her. On occasions I got the distinct feeling that Sis […]
The Medallion It was there all along, in the tight wrinkles at the corners of her mouth, the eyes that never seemed to look right at him, the way she shrank away inside herself when he put his arm around her. “Have you ever thought of doing it with another guy?” Alexa asked him once, […]
You stood there in the candlelight, your eyes big and shining in the flicker. Looking a little nervous…maybe a little scared. Also more than a little excited. Very pretty in the little black dress. In the Italian restaurant, many eyes were upon you, you were turning heads. I stand behind you, and you feel my […]
My wife is a flirt but compared to her sister, shes a nun. Carol is a real raver. Shes in her early thirties, curvy with big boobs and long legs, long black hair and sexy smile. Shes divorced but did well out of the settlement having her own house, car and spare cash. So, she […]
The pretty blond girl squeezed her way over to me. “Hey! Are you Jeff?” “Yeah!” “And youre Monicas boyfriend?” “Yeah!” “Happy Birthday!” “Thanks!” “Im your present!” “What!?” “I said Im your present!” “What do you mean by that!?” We were right in the middle of the frat party, next to the dance floor. The girl […]
After removing her bra, Michelle slowly slipped off her more reluctant panties, then stood there holding both. She looked over at Dr Narain sheepishly, the underwear dangling from her hand. “Anywhere,” Narain said with a generous shrug. “Just throw them over there.” Michelle turned and tossed first the bra, then the panties onto a tawny […]
Susan Johnson was worried as she drove along the bumpy mountain road. She knew her mother had expected her home hours ago. She had not intended to go off the pavement, but somehow she had made a wrong turn. Now it was getting dark and she was lost. She was thankful to see a small […]