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What A Wild Widow



“Hello, Mrs. Davidson.” The handsome young man standing on the front porch had a smile on his face. “Hello, Steve.” Deborah was smiling too. She’d been expecting him. She was very glad to see him, and he was right on time. “I’m all ready.” “Good. It was very nice of you to help me out.” […]

The Scat Slavers



“It”s gonna be you and one other slave to service everybody, cocksucker! And you better service them good, get me? You open up both your fuckin” filthy holes for whatever my brothers want to put in “em! Or you”ll get it when we get home — if I don”t sell your dirty fuckin” shit ass […]

19 Year Old Virgin



Was it really almost 20 yrs ago? Doesn’t seem like it. I can remember….. Nineteen years old and still a virgin. Now that’s something you don’t want to get around to the rest of your shipmates. But hey, I was a little drunk and looking for sympathy when the subject of “last piece” came up. […]

Voyeur wife on vacation



Mary Arnold awoke and instinctively reached across the king-sized bed for her husband’s crotch. Instead, her hand closed on the rumpled sheet and she realized Don wasn’t in bed with her anymore. “Shit!” she mumbled to herself, sitting up and looking around the spacious hotel room. Though the thin drapes she could see her husband’s […]

Swapping Faces Cock Rings



“The first Face is always the “Deep bite Gothic breast” what a movie set. Her Goth guitar will he rob her love strings what color is her love star? Bloody red salad shredded or crimson and clover is my life over? Will I regret it? We need better communication with the sin of temptation. She […]

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