When Darren awoke he felt mildly euphoric and completely disorientated. He gradually became aware of two things; he was completely naked and he could not move. A wave of panic gripped his mind as he struggled to free himself but he soon realised that both his legs and hands were firmly secured and that he […]
This is a true story about the first time I had sex with my best friends wife and some of the steamy situations we were in before it. I didn’t make this up and its not as erotic as some of the fictional stories out there, but the fact that its true might be a […]
Jan leant down and kissed Dan hard; she pulled back and looked at him, ‘Dan, its ok. Don’t worry, you can fuck me bareback, I’m ok with it, I give you permission to spunk in me. In fact I want it bareback. It’s more exciting, not knowing what will happen, perhaps you will make me […]
I couldn’t believe it, yet I knew it was slowly happening. I was becoming enamored, completely taken, with my daughter’s college room mate. She was twenty years my junior, the same age as my daughter, yet it was happening in spite of all of my obvious misgivings. In spite of, or maybe because of, all […]
The phone was ringing loudly as I struggled to unlock the door. Finally, the key slipped in, door opens, and I reached for the phone hanging on the wall. “Hello,” I said, trying to shut the door behind me. “Brett, this is Belle.” I heard the soft voice answer. “Hey, Belle. What can I do […]
Shawnie and Eddie had been living together for a long time. Naturally neither of them knew much about the other except for the fact that they loved eachother to death. One morning, Eddie had to get up early and go to work. he got up, kissed Shawnie on the lips and fixed a quick bite […]
“Oh baby! Oh baby! Oh I love you so much!”, C.J. started screaming as she continued to passionately kiss Shawnie. “I love you more!”, Shawnie said as her body started moving faster and faster on top of C.J. After a few minutes of this, Shawnie finally got off of C.J. and went to the end […]
The whole thing smelled like it had been spritzed with the inside of a Cosmopolitan. I’m still not sure what kind of perfume it is, but until I associated it with her, I couldn’t stand it… It’s fairly safe to say that the promise an entire weekend with Amanda dominated my thoughts for the remainder […]
Visiting VIP’s and other dignitaries are common at our offices, and we usually aren’t bothered by them. Now I was groaning as my boss told me that for the next two days I would be helping our Marketing department show a large group of people about our facilities. “Hell, John. I’m a senior analyst,” I […]
It was a distinct surprise to Mr. Duchose to find himself in the empty white room, still lying in bed, but clearly not the bed, nor the room, where he had fallen asleep. He didn’t seem to feel entirely himself in other ways. When he’d retired for the night, he felt a distinct soreness in […]