category: porn

An Elf Maiden’s Christmas


The spirit of Naar floated helplessly in the darkness of space, his soul a cloud of ethereal, black smoke. He watched angrily as the universe was consumed by the Light of Ishir and Kai, their benevolent gazes bringing new life to the worlds he had purified with fire and death. At the Dark God’s side floated Gwena, an Elf girl …

A Birthday Wish Come True


He entered the lobby, nervous at what he was planning, but also eager to complete it successfully and see how she handled it. He ran a gloved hand over the frosted intercom panel, stopping and pressing one labeled “9 – Sanders” and cleared his throat. “Yes?” It was the sound he’d fallen in love with – the voice of this …

Boarding Pass


Currents of people flowed around him, unhindered, unchallenged. Bumped and nudged, wanting to push the whole murmuring lot aside, Tim bitterly held his ground, stretching on his toes to peer over the bobbing heads. He’d lost Adrienne again. He grimaced and dug through his pockets as instructed. The airport was a portrait of bustle and rush, and he was stuck. …

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