The following story is more-or-less true. It takes place at a
Long Island-based university whose main campus is on a main road named
after a compass reference and whose admission policies are generally
concerned with confirming your pulse and checkbook balance. Not that
the place does not provide a good education, it simply isn’t known as
inexpensive or picky. The …
Kimberly Dougherty buzzed through the suburban streets
with the wind blowing her curly, reddish-brown hair in
all directions. The care-free girl had taken her last
test the day before at Warner College, and was looking
forward to a relaxing summer. Gone were the worries of
research papers and final exams. Her radio blared, and she bopped to the rhythm in …
As you know, I live in a modest neighborhood and have
very nice people on all sides of my house. The lot sizes
are generally around an acre each, so no one is looking
in your windows.One of my neighbors is a couple in their mid-thirties
(Pam and Mike) and I’ve found out from a mutual friend
that they …
Mary Ann, my neighbor, and I were both sun tanning in
the back yard. We had both graduated from high school
and decided to attend the same college this fall. They
had just move in about 6 months ago and we became
friends right off the start. I was laying on the lawn yard in my bikini constantly
complaining about …
When I graduated from high school and got my first job,
my parents told me I had to move out on my own, as they
wanted to be alone. I found an apartment, but lived in
continual fear. I am very small and very nervous, I’m
four feet eleven inches tall and only weigh ninety-two
pounds. I like my red …
My wife Sarah and I have been married for almost 4
years now. She is a great lady and a wonderful wife.
The package she is wrapped in doesn’t hurt either.
Sarah is 28, with long, strawberry blond hair, 5’4″,
119lbs, 36B tits, and a killer ass. To top it all off
she has almost milk white skin. As for …
The spirit of Naar floated helplessly in the darkness of space, his
soul a cloud of ethereal, black smoke. He watched angrily as the
universe was consumed by the Light of Ishir and Kai, their benevolent
gazes bringing new life to the worlds he had purified with fire and
death. At the Dark God’s side floated Gwena, an Elf girl …
Tanya, naked, turned over on the bed and looked across the
room at me. She rolled onto her back with her legs bent,
feet close together, knees far apart. Between her open thighs,
her pussy was small and pink, the fine blonde hairs matted
and damp. She grinned at me wickedly and her left hand
caressed her upper thighs.The …
After allowing ruthie to get some water and rest a bit, I replaced her
gag, and led her over to the wire cage, intending to use it as a “holding
pen” while I readied the next “attraction.” The cage was basically a box
on legs with a crosspiece at the top..although the legs were at an angle.
The entire contraption …
He entered the lobby, nervous at what he was planning, but
also eager to complete it successfully and see how she handled
it. He ran a gloved hand over the frosted intercom panel,
stopping and pressing one labeled “9 – Sanders” and cleared his
throat. “Yes?” It was the sound he’d fallen in love with – the
voice of this …