Louise was bold. Perhaps a little too bold for her own good, Joe thought. Twice now clients had come on to the floor and mistaken her for the department head. That’s the kind of manner she had. Clacking around in her patent leather stilettos like a high and mighty Diva. Fine. She can’t help it […]
Maura shifted her briefcase on her shoulder, wishing like hell she’d remembered before leaving for the car dealership that today was Thursday. Wednesday was take-work-home-to-finish day. She didn’t mind Wednesdays. But Thursday was bring-all-the-printouts-and-binders-back-to-work day. Even with her car, she detested Thursdays. Without it, on the bus, she loathed them. All around her were all […]
My classes are surprisingly popular. Don’t get me wrong, they’re pretty much the best in the faculty. My teaching is of the highest intellectual calibre, and the seminar discussions are usually informed, lively and stimulating. No, the reason my popularity surprises me is that certain students – attractive female ones, to be precise – run […]
“I am so full. That really hit the spot, Noel.” I closed my eyes, listened to the broadcast of A Christmas Story from the television. “Hey,” a voice whispered. “Psss!” I awoke in my pod in nothing but a pair of red briefs, a green ‘X’ over my bulge. I was on my bed, sheets […]
Edward was very attentive for the rest of the weekend although we didn’t refer to the new chastity device at all. Monday came and we threw ourselves into our busy routine during the day and, as my period arrived Sunday night, I enjoyed long cosy cuddles during the night as we snuggled on the sofa […]
I saw her in the valet parking area of one of the big new Vegas hotels. It was like a scene out of a movie–this whole crowd of Southern gals, dressed to the nines with billowy dresses and high heels and big floppy hats, saying goodbye to a toothy blonde bride in white lace. I […]
I tenderly pressed my lips on Vicki’s, and she gently kissed back as
the warm smooth innards of her pussy threatened to send me into a wild
ejaculation. I wanted to enjoy her for a longer time before that
happened. I had slowed down and even stopped pumping several times in
the long while that I’d been inside her.Vicki …
In the previous few days, 38 y.o. Karen had caught her 18 y.o. step-son Jason masturbating, watched him, had him come to her bed to do it again, helped him do it another night, let him see her naked, gave him oral sex, let him touch and kiss all over her body and cum in […]
Things went from bad to intolerable when corporate decided to combine
two big offices into one small building. A fucking strip-mall
storefront no less. Could you get any tackier than that?Diane ran the whole show now. And it was driving her mad. The place
was pure chaos. Her employees hated her and why not? She was the boss
from …
That night, I lay awake a long time. I thought to myself that I’d done something very wrong. And it was even worse that I’d enjoyed it. And worse still that I’d do it again, if given the opportunity. I knew it should be wrong to want to have sex with your mother. It must […]