category: porno

Surrendering again, young lady?


“Surrendering again, young lady?” “Perhaps, but only to dwell in people’s minds for a little while.” “Very soulful, my dear,” he smiled. “Are your clientele not biting tonight?” “No, not really: maybe they think I am too young.” “Too young?” “Me, yes, ” she shrugged. “They do seem to think I am too young. How […]

After our first encounter


After our first encounter I wish I could say El and I slept together most every night. Technically that would be true. But it would also imply we had sex most every night, which would not be accurate at all. The morning after our impromptu romp I woke when she closed the door, on her […]

Let’s play a little game


“Let’s play a little game,” she says. “Close your eyes.” Obediently he shuts his eyes. He is slouched down in the pink upholstered chair by the window of the twelfth-floor hotel room, his arms resting on the chair arms, legs relaxed, extended, ankles crossed. Midafternoon sun passing through the drawn drapes gives the room a […]

The Swarm Cycle


It was New Years, and the big bash I’d paid big bucks to go to was over. We’d raised Hell and danced and had our fancy dinner and a show and the champagne to ring in the New Year and it was two thirty in the morning. Coming out of the city on the main […]

Quickie on the beach


Slamming on the brakes, Sarah cursed herself; she should have filled up with gas back in town but now she was halfway to the middle of nowhere. Surely there must be a gas station somewhere around here? Why had she slammed on the brakes? Now she was grateful she was out in the sticks. Recovering […]

The Stolen Pussy


Jocelyn threw off the covers and dreamily spread her naked legs. She had freshened up while her husband got ready to go to work. She did not need any lubricant, however — her arousal took care of that. She closed her eyes when she heard her husband open the bedroom door. As she pretended to […]

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