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category: porno

Photo Story (MF,cons)



I’d been trying to talk Sarah into photography for a while. She had been reluctant, to say the least. She was adamant that she wouldn’t allow herself to be photographed if it meant that ANYONE else would see the pictures. I tried to explain that we could have the pics developed through the mail at […]

Lord Raine Returns



Marian stood on the flagstone balcony watching as the fleet enters the harbor on the morning tide. Lord Raine’s standard billowing proudly from the largest ship. She knows it is only a matter of hours before he arrives at the manor house overlooking the small village and it’s harbor. He will come alone, the rogue […]

Frank Sinatra had a massive johnson



“Frank Sinatra had a massive johnson.” Sarah looked up from her copy of Marie-Claire at her husband nestled in his armchair reading the Daily Telegraph. She furrowed her brow quizzically. “It says so here. He was incredibly well-endowed in the trouser department. His crowning glory was a real whopper!” “Was it, Phil dear?” Sarah remarked, […]

It’s Good To Be The Boss



Sean had been the top man in charge of this particular ad agency for the past seven years. Over the years, copy writers, editors, secretaries, financial and legal staff — everyone had come and gone. And over the years he’d managed to replace them, one by one, with the sort of people who made his […]

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