The approach shot was long, straight and hard. Hitting a golf ball takes very
little physical effort but a lot of concentration. The ball grabbed hard and
really sucked back. Dave MacDonald was left with a four-foot birdie putt here on
the eighteenth hole to shoot 69 and set up a possible victory in the first
tournament of the year …
I was running late. As I walked home besides the park I knew my
boyfriend was going to be furious. I had told him I would be home an
hour ago. How was I suppose to know my boss had other plans for me.
Last minute paperwork. “It would only take you a minute.” he told me. Yeah right. An …
A Day in DenverMom, Dad, Abby and Betty had left to drive to the airport. I had to
put all four of them in trances to make them quit asking why Cathy was
not going home with them. After the trance, they understood Cathy was
going to live with us until further notice and asked no more
questions. They …
I never in a million years thought what happened last weekend
would happen. I traveled with my family to my sister-in-law’s
house to see her new digs. Katie is 26 years old, 5’7″, 125 lbs,
long blond hair, brown eyes with lips that go on for miles. She
looks like a softer Britney Spears.Anyways, I was unpacking the minivan …
Although the need for it had passed nearly a century ago with the death
of his first chief engineer, David still paused at the door to his own
office and knocked. When he was satisfied that there was nobody inside,
he took his seat behind his desk and turned on the terminal, listening
to the familiar *beep*.“This is a …
Sipping her vanilla milkshake, she sat at the bright white
formica table in Baskin-Robbins in her cheerful pink sweater,
waiting for the pedophile. The song on the radio reminded her of
a tune she had heard once in her father’s antique collection of
phonograph records. As she listened, the melody reminded her of
the ancient playback device, the slow rotation, …
Abstract: His Domme demands he meet her at lunchtime; but not to
eat. He hurried to her apartment as soon as he could. The message on
his pager had just said, “Be here soonest for lunch.” When she opened
the door for him, she quietly pointed to the side room where the
computer and her toys were kept. Knowing the …
Jay’s work as an installation specialist often took him out of
town, to wherever the customer’s home office was located. I was tired
of being left to my own resources at home, though, so when his company
landed a new client on the other coast I twisted Jay to let me tag
along. Once in flight, we flipped up the …
My name is Becky, and my life is about to change before your eyes.As often is the case these days, this story starts at the computer on my desk. I’ve grown tired of seeing my boyfriend stay up after me to play on our PC, so after he left for work today I decided to do a search of …
Kelly was still slowly stroking Tim’s dick, looking at the alarm clock and saw it was almost 11:30. Her eyes widened realizing she couldn’t do anything else tonight She quickly turned to look at the kids. “I need to get to bed so I can get up for work,” she exclaimed, letting go of Tim’s, semi-hard, dick, and rolled off …