No one could have reasonably guessed the truth about CD’s obsessive sex life. To any casual observer’or even a curious one, for that matter’he appeared to
be a perfectly normal man. He was a junior partner at his firm, with a solid future financial in front of
him. Though he didn’t attend regularly, he was a member of the First …
It sounded like a good weekend getaway. Brandi’s parents were
going out of town, and they needed someone to watch the dogs. They had
a house in the mountains. We got there early Friday afternoon.
Her parents left, and we had the place to ourselves. It had been
in the high 20’s, and about 4pm, it started snowing like crazy.…
You know what happened to me the other night? I went out drinking
with Jill, a friend of mine, and we ran into some guys we know. We
sat around drinking and talking for a long time. I don’t drink much,
and after a while I was really, really drunk and feeling funny. I
suspect that there was something potent …
Jem Alaasha slowly paced the small, confined, featureless space in an
endless, pointless procession. Six measured paces, turn to the left, six
measured paces, turn to the left, over and over, just as she had done since
awakening in this empty, padded box some infinite time before. She was beyond
fury, beyond rage, beyond hatred. All her immediate anger had …
“I saw this, too.”Stan’s hand began searching for, then finding, the side hem of the
sarong.Helen tilted her head, eyes closed, as Stan’s mouth found that wonderful
hollow in her neck below her ear, that special place that excites her.
Already she was coloring – her pale skin took on a red glow.Now he had one hand …
Its been pretty warm here the last few weeks. On a typical Saturday
afternoon, I was trying give my classic 66 Mustang a tune up. I wanted to
get it ready for the shore and even warmer weather. My wife was at work
and I just wanted to putter around the house today. In the driveway was my
older sisters …
I. My Cherokee girl Do you love someone? Did you ever…? Sometimes I don’t know and I doubt
I ever did. “Love” is a word, not a feeling… And can you describe
feelings by saying out loud what is going inside you? I also do not know
the answer to that question. You live and you feel, that’s all I …
The summer before I started my senior year of high school I took a job as a
baby-sitter for the Simmons Family. Mr. Simmons was my eighth grade history
teacher. All my girl friends were jealous. Most of the girls in his class had
a crush on him and dreamed of having sex with him, myself included. “Anna, you bitch! …
As we drove to the school, I decided to see if Mark would answer a question. ‘Mark?’ I began. ‘Yes,’ he responded, still looking out the window. ‘Why are you doing this?’ I asked. ‘Doing what?’ ‘Doing this to me,’ I continued. ‘I mean, at first’before this started’I
thought you might have a ‘crush’ or infatuation for me, but that’s …
This was absolutely the last straw. The last couple of times Billy got
beaten up at his junior high school, there was really not much I could do.
Children can be awfully cruel, and aside from advising him to stay out of
the troublemakers’ way (and failing that, try to reason with his harassers),
I had to accept that this …