I knew without need to turn and look that He had entered the tavern this warm
June eve. Perhaps twas the way my nearly waist length-tousled mane of gold
now grated across my bare back or the immediate surge of honey at the cleft
between my legs when his virile scent filled my head. I gulped down more of
the …
My wife complained that her pussy was very itchy. It
was getting so bad that she was very uncomfortable. We
decided to go see a gynecologist. We had just moved in
to this small town and my wife didn’t have any idea
about who to go to. When I called one of my friends he
recommended the name of his …
Susan was prettier than usual that morning. Her
neatly-brushed silky blond hair just brushed her shoul-
ders with a slight wave. My downstairs neighbor had
dressed for comfort in running shorts, a tube top and
sandals. Her clothing hugged her lush figure tightly,
just as I wished I could. She seemed preoccupied, however, as we shared
our customary cup of …
* He was tired and he’d had enough for one week’s work of listening
patiently to other people’s problems in his role as a counsellor. All he
wanted to do was settle in for the evening and maybe watch a video or two
while sipping a Rum and Coke. And maybe after that he might even try and
plunder his …
Time was his home. Home was his time. To enjoy, to know, to
experience everything that ever was and ever will be. Centuries past and
future were his present always, for there was never a past or future for
him. He was the time-traveller, experiencing, intervening in, guiding the
present of millions as he became a part of their moments …
I’m sitting with my back against my husband on the
little couch I keep in my bedroom for lounging on.
We’re watching a movie on the TV. I’m not really paying
attention to the show, instead just enjoying the
closeness to my husband. I like the way he feels
against me. I can feel his muscles and I love feeling…
The next day was Saturday and in the morning Lauren and Jim hardly talked to each other. Lauren spent most of the day shopping downtown, and then late in the afternoon she returned home and she and Jim were alone in the living room.
“Too many people downtown,” Lauren said with a shrug. “I hate crowds.”
Jim watched her as …
Sally hummed softly to herself as she put the pie into the oven. Her husband Jack would be coming home from the convention that evening and she wanted to make sure she had an especially nice meal ready for him. He must never suspect that anything out of the ordinary was going on in the Robbins household while he was …
The small ad caught Joy’s eye on the morning of January
5th as she was sorting through the various sections of
the New York Times. She read it, paused, reread it. She
chuckled softly, turned to the front page, and read
about the downing of two Libyan planes as she downed
her toast and coffee. ————————–
WANTED: Extras for big…
Jezebel sat at her desk reminiscing about the hot and
heavy days with Jason. Just thinking about those days
gave her a familiar tingle deep within her womanhood
and always managed to put a smile on her face. It had
been almost a year now since she had met Jason but
there relationship was short lived as Jason had to…