Making sure I packed my favorite dildos and a small bottle of baby oil, I
went to work in anticipation of visiting the adult book store I had heard
about. The day seemed like it would never end.Finially, the day was over. Stopping at McDonalds to change out of my work
cloths and into a very tight mini-skirt with …
When he called, he sounded a bit nervous, “Well, I called to see if you
were interested in…..uhhh……maybe sometime this weekend…..”
I cut in and said “Doug, I’d love to! How about I come down Friday night
after work and we’ll take it from t here”.Again stopping at the McDonalds, I changed into one of those one piece knit…
Night was starting to envelope the French countryside. The spectacular
sunset was gone, and the first stars were starting to peek out. The shadows
lengthened, covering the vineyards that stretched across the hills, and few
and far-between, centuries old stone buildings nestled in those hills. Some
looked abandoned, but as lights winked on here and there, others proved to be…
I loved it when my wife would give me her best come hither
look, asking me to join her in bed.“Give me a minute, I just want to check the doors.”“Hurry up, I’m getting lonely.” she purred.I didn’t need much more encouragement than that. I think I
set a land speed record going downstairs to make sure …
Nothing happened the next couple of days. I mean, nothing extraordinary.
Annie came in to talk after her shower, but nothing more. Not until the
third day.We had gone to bed and were talking as usual. Somehow, we began to talk
about Simone. How nice she had been to us and how much fun we’d had. Annie
mentioned the …
I’m a 30 year old executive happily married to my wife Kate. She is 27
years old, a brunette with hair just which reaches her shoulders, 5″7
tall, very slim and sexy. Her bra size is C. She’s a pre-school teacher
and we have been married for nearly 6 years. We are very happily married. My boss, who is about …
Our guest where to arrive that evening and we hurried to get things set up.
Lisa had known that she was to be a special guest for tonight’s festivities,
though she was unsure of how she would participate. Very quickly it became
evident. The main dungeon space had been cleared, many chairs set up around the
center of the room. …
My sister Kristy was almost 18 when this incident
happened. She was very popular at school and was always
the leader in her group of friends. She was a big
success in class and even the extra curricular things
she did like cheerleader squad leader, and even
president of her class made her reputation even better. I on the other …
Not many folks know about fixers. Those that
think they do, usually don’t. They have the wrong
idea. People think fixers kill people, or maybe
break their legs. I don’t want to say we NEVER
get rough, but most of what we do is pretty
routine, and even boring. Say some little starlet is photographed
coming out of some gay …
I slept late the next morning so I missed the Tiff and Jane Shows.
Martha must have slept late also because I was able to watch her go
through her morning shower. I just wish she would lose the damn towel
so I could watch her tits jiggle while she brushed her teeth and hair.After breakfast I put on …