John Smith was a forty-two year old flight instructor with a small, butpopular flight training centre-popular because most of the students at thebusy little school were his. He worked for the school on a contract basis,taking an initial trial introductory prospective for their first interview,aptitude test, and short airborne coordination flight to ascertain whetheror not …
Over the years I’ve worked really hard to get to the top,
sacrificing everything to become what I am today, but it’s paid off.
I’m one of only three female vice-presidents in our company, and I’m
making a ton of money. Unfortunately, that’s all I have to show for my
hard work. Money, and the by-products of money. Nothing else. …
During the 1960s-70s those of us in the Air Force had
to suffer through some crazy times. We were unlike the
other services most of the time in that “very important
pricks” were always visiting our bases because Air
Force One is really, technically, an Air Force airplane
and is flown by active duty Air Force pilots, who are
assigned …
Joe knocked on the front door with an eager
anticipation. He hadn’t seen Bill in two years, and was
dying to renew their friendship. That’s the trouble
with switching jobs and relocating: you miss out on
your dearest friend’s lives. And what friends they
were. From junior high through college, they were
nearly inseparable.The door opened, but instead of …
I awoke this morning to the sound of birds, and sunlight
streaming through my windows. The first thought to enter my head
was “what do I have to do today?” My mind was blank … could it
be true? I had nothing to do today? It’s Tuesday, so I don’t
work today, the kids all slept over at friends houses …
Natalie Bradshaw was a juvenile delinquent. At least,
that’s what her mother called her all the time. She
didn’t mean to get into trouble; it just seemed to
happen to her. Maybe it was the friends she hung out
with, like her Mom kept saying. But she liked Livia and Brad, and she wasn’t going to
stop seeing them just …
It was Christmas Eve and I was working over the break from
college at a Gap in the mall. Earlier that morning, my co-workers and
I had had a little X-mas party. Nothing special, eggnog, nuts, and
poundcake. After most of the crew had left, it was just me Drew, the
new guy, and Chrissy, the Manager Trainee. I was …
The following story is more-or-less true. It takes place at a
Long Island-based university whose main campus is on a main road named
after a compass reference and whose admission policies are generally
concerned with confirming your pulse and checkbook balance. Not that
the place does not provide a good education, it simply isn’t known as
inexpensive or picky. The …
Kimberly Dougherty buzzed through the suburban streets
with the wind blowing her curly, reddish-brown hair in
all directions. The care-free girl had taken her last
test the day before at Warner College, and was looking
forward to a relaxing summer. Gone were the worries of
research papers and final exams. Her radio blared, and she bopped to the rhythm in …
Before I start you have to understand that neither my
husband nor I had any intention or even conversation
about swinging before this vacation. We are married now
for 10 years and have two kids. As most couples with kids
after a family vacation there wasn’t much time or money
left over for just a couple’s retreat, so we hadn’t…